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Hey guys!1!!1 you're fairy god妈妈 is back to skskskksksksksksksksks GET THIS TEO SUGAR BABIES TOGETHER ITS ABOUT TIME AAAA

University of flint Michigan senpai is just teasing us ;-; ...

Fret not owo......  贝老师 always feeds her lovelies owo

Dont like dont read

Li you... 你right now said了什么 ?_?。。questioned wang peng quizzicly

Ah! N_nothing...  stuttered and sputtered liyou like those cars on the chiense highway that merges 50 lanes into 4 like seriously who thot thay was a good idea.... 中国government BAKA desu

Li you fingered her fringe ... at the end of her leather jacket (a/n omg li you u tai baddie le)

"Oh 我听错了... yinwei I thot u said u wanted this 王。
Wang peng cocked his eyebrow and approach了 liyou.

"N-no!!!!! 我 不 say了!!! Li you blushed furiously... with the fury of a thousand manchurian (a/n integrated Chinese 请 address the manchurian war crimes :*)

Guess I 去 spend me 的 时候  with bangin bod ying ai then. (A/n omg wang peng ~~~~(>_<)~~~~)

王peng turned heel and walked away huff huff huff

Lo you sank to her knees and  was 太regretful了。

她 drag herself back to her 宿舍. Suddelyn!!!! Li you remember the makeup she order from WISH (中国第一国o(︶︿︶)o)

Li you 穿 新衣服... a low cut v neck pleather tank top with a red corset bustier on top .. black lace ran down her arms covering them in a veil with disguised her cancerous growths.

She squeez了 her thicc a$$ into ripped leather tights with a plaid skirt over top that was so short it (a/n use 你的 imagination 吧       o(︶︿︶)o)

下一个makeup !! Dark eyeshadow red lipstick and winged eyeliner so sharp it could circum- (⊙o⊙) (a/n circumnavigate the glove ofc)

She was 准备!!!! 走吧 operation: convince wang peng I'm not a fucking prude and get that d appointment (a/n shoutout integrated Chinese part 2 lesson 15 : seeing the doctor) IS A GO!!

王友: dangerous da xue Where stories live. Discover now