i. this isn't lexi's cabin?

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JESSE BOLT'S FINGERS typed on her phone. She texted Lexi Jayde, her best friend, who's cabin she was going to be staying at for the next week. Her suitcase stood next to her while her black Jansport backpack was slung over both her shoulders. The sixteen year old sent an 'I'm here' text to her best friend. When she didn't get a response back, she furrowed her brows and just walked up to the cabin she stood in front of, dragging her suitcase with her.

Her left hand formed into a fist and she knocked on the dark brown, almost red door. She rubbed her hands together due to the cold weather while she waited for an answer. As she pulled her sleeves down and over her hands, the door opened revealing an unfamiliar guy who looked to be Jesse's age. Her face contorted into a confused one.

Jaeden Martell had the same look of confusion as her. His arm rested on the quarter open door. "Um, can I help you?" He asked, looking at the girl in confusion. She could hear music and yelling from inside the cabin.

          Jesse assumed that he was just some random kid Lexi invited. "Hey, where's Lexi? She didn't answer my text. You must be one of her friends? I'm Jesse Bolt."

          The look of confusion just grew larger as he had no idea what the girl named Jesse was doing here. He kind of felt bad, because she was in the totally different place then she was supposed to be. "Sorry, there's no Lexi here. You must have the wrong place."

          Panic washed over her face. "You're joking, you have to be joking. There's no Lexi here? Oh shit." Jesse pulled out her phone and quickly rung Lexi's number. The phone connected and she quickly spoke into the phone.

          "Lex? Where the hell are you? Where the hell am I? This dude is saying that you're not here? I'm here. 5732 East Coastwood St, right?" Jesse spoke quickly into the phone.

     "Dude, I don't see you out here? Where the hell are you? That's the right address. I'm literally standing outside, where are you? Are you sure you're not at a neighbors cabin? The cabins are a few miles away from each other, you may be at another cabin." Lexi explained over the phone.

          Jesse looked in horror, knowing she was in the wrong place. Here, all the cabins were next to each other. "Oh shit." She muttered to himself. "Lex, you're at the one in Idyllwild, right?" Jesse spoke slowly into the phone, hoping for a yes.

          The sixteen year old's eyes widened at Lexi's answer. "Jess, I'm in fucking Tahoe City!"

• • •

          Jaeden Martell had felt so bad that he let the girl into his cabin. She had been texting his friend, who's name was Lexi, like crazy. The living room they sat in was full of awkward silence. She had been exchanging words with Jaeden's friends Jack and Finn here and there, but that was all. The boys and one girl had looked so familiar, but she couldn't quite place where they were from. So, instead of drowning in her own curiosity, she just decided to ask.

"Are you guys sure you're not friends with Lexi? You guys look familiar." She asked the group of teens whom she had learned were all around her age.

"We're sure," Jaeden smiled in response, cringing at the feeling of that she might be a psycho fan. She could expose their location.

Jesse cracked a smile at him. "I don't know where you're from, it's on the tip of my tongue. Are you guys on social media or something?"

"Eh, I guess you could say that." Jack laughed.

Jesse sighed, crossing her arms as she looked down at her feet, disappointed in herself. "I can't believe I pulled a stupid." She giggled as she realized they probably thought she was dumb because of the way she worded it. "I'm not dumb, I promise. I just didn't think Lexi would have her cabin be so far from LA, you know? Why would she want to be halfway across the state. Maybe she's the dumb one."

Laughter cracked the silence. "Are you guys sure it's fine that I'm here? I could go to like a Starbucks while we figure this out. I think I'm just gonna fly back to LA. I've texted my mom and she says she thinks I should as well."

"It's fine," Jaeden spoke. "You're not a bother. Plus, you are kind of funny."

Jesse sent him a weak smile and debated pulling out her camera to vlog. She decided against it, not wanting to weird the teens out. "My brother is going to make fun of me so hard." She cringed. "I'm never gonna hear the end of this."

The teens proceeded to speak to each other, getting to know each other. She told them about her brother, her friends, and about what she did. She's a social media influencer who vlogs, so she told them that. Jesse didn't want the silence to be awkward anymore, so, why not make the best of it.

They were interrupted by the sound of Jesse's phone ringing. The name 'mom' with a heart emoji flashed on the small screen and she picked it up, excusing herself from the group. She answered and put the phone up to her ear as she got off the couch and walked from the living room to the kitchen so that she could have some privacy.

"Jessica, I can't believe you! You spent money buying outfits and on the Uber and plane for nothing! How do you know the kids you're with won't rape you, or even worse, kill you?" Her mom scolded over the phone.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm disappointed as well, trust me. And, I'm pretty sure they're influencers as well. They haven't told me, but I recognize them from something. I don't think they'd rape or kill me." She whispered this part, not wanting them to know she was talking about them.

Jaeden felt bad, but he tried to listen in on the conversation. It was his cabin, he deserved to know what was going on. It was silent as her mom spoke, which Jaeden couldn't hear. "Okay, well, I've looked at flights and there's not any for five days. I booked you a flight back. Will they let you stay, or should I come pick you up?"

Jesse cringed on the thought of having to ask them if she could stay. "Mom, I can't ask to stay! That's embarrassing!" She whisper yelled into the phone, but Jaeden still heard her.

He looked at his friends who were also listening. Finn mouthed a 'don't.' He had been scared that she was a murderer, they had all seen horror movies, and a random girl could definitely kill them in their sleep. However, Sophia on the other hand mouth a 'yes.' Sophia was sweet and felt pity for the poor girl.

Once Jesse got off the phone, Jaeden quickly spoke. "Jesse, you can stay here if you want. We're here for a whole week."

Jesse didn't see as Finn rolled his eyes. A smile grew on her face. "Thanks, Jae. You're a good person."

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