Jimin is a rare wolf that doesn't have a pack. He roams around in order not to get caught by humans. However, he goes on another packs territory and the head Alpha isn't happy about that... Or is he?
Side ships
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The boy returned back to his home and looked behind him. When that Alpha told him to run, he ran for his life cause he thought he was going to be chased. Mistake, that was the word that entered his mind. It was a mistake to leave his home. "What was I thinking?". He said walking inside.
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Chip was quick to jump at his side. "Hi Chip". He giggled. "I'm sorry for leaving you". The boy hugged the deer closely. "Are you mad?". He asked.
"Iamnot, mychild".
"Why? Why aren't you mad?". He asked.
"Itwasyourchoiceandbesides... Youmadeafriend".
"A... friend?". He tilts his head. "What's a friend? Is that a good thing?". He asked.
"Yesitis... WhatisChiptoyoumychild?".
The boy looks at Chip and the deer looks at him. "Is he not a pet?". The boy asked kind of confused.
The boy stares at Chip and smiled. "Yeah... I will be sad and lonely if something happens to him... It feels nice when I see him and I get to play with him". He said.
"Wait... So that Alpha is my friend?". He asked. "I-I don't want him to be my friend". The boy shakes his head repeatedly. "Th-they scare me... I don't want him near me". The boy shivers.
"TherearegoodAlphasout there mychild, andthisonedidn'thurtyou... Hewasnicetoyouandhegaveyoufood... Hewantedyounottobescareofhimthat'swhyhewantedyoutosniffhishand, hewantedtoshowyouthatwasn'tgoingtoharmyou".
The boy looks at the ground and smiled a little. "D-do you think that he will be my friend?". He says playing with his fingers.
The boy grins and felt courage fill his heart. "Ok!". The boy exclaims. "Let's go meet my new friend!". The boy says going to the door, but felt a force stop him. "What's wrong?". He asked.