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The past few week's at Sander's Uni, Roman had felt a burst of feeling's for a certain purple haired guy. Roman was aware that this guy, was guarded to the extreme, rarely spoke aloud. Roman also knew, that his name was Virgil.

'Hey.. Virgil was it?' Roman first spoke to the purple haired guy, who had dark circles under his eyes.

There was no reply from Virgil, He simply just looked towards Roman and nodded.

'Uhm, Are you alright?' Roman watched as Virgil visibly flinched, and then shook his head.

'I'm alright... Thanks..' Virgil fiddled around with his hands, then felt a pressure on his shoulder as a hand was placed there.

'I won't pressure you too answer, but I'm not stupid. There's obviously some issue's you have, and if you need to talk, I have ears' Roman smiled, as he slipped a piece of paper with his number on it to Virgil. 

Virgil nodded slightly, and walked off.


'Soo, Virgil, Lemme guess you're day kid. You didnt speak to anyone, you were lonely, and I'm concerned for you.'

'haha, very funny Patton.' Virgil rolled his eye's at his brother's depiction of his life.

'What? I really am concerned for you Virgil.' Patton was eating lunch with Virgil, he was pretty much the only person who Virgil ate with and talked to for more then 2 minutes.

'Just to let you know, I did actually manage to speak to someone today.' Virgil took a bite out of his food, he looked around, saw a kid eating deodorant. 'Who the heck eats deodorant for lunch?' Virgil pointed the kid out to Patton.

'WoahWoahWoahWoah, dont change the subject so quickly, you managed to talk to someone?!' Due to Virgil's social anxiety, it was hard for him to talk to people, so this was a huge accomplishment.

'Yeah, it was really nothing, just said I looked down and gave me his number or whatever..'

'He gave you his number? So are you going to text him?' Patton was ignoring his food, his full focus on Virgil.

'Maybe.. I dont know..' Virgil stammered out. The bell soon rung after he said that, and since Virgil only had morning classes, he waved goodbye to Patton as he left.



 (845)-999-9292 changed name to Roman

Roman : Who is this? Im in an afternoon class rn

V : thats for me to know and you to find out

Roman : Well.. your new in my contacts list and i gave out my number like.. 3-4 times today..

V : thats alot of girls you asked out

Roman : Not all girls.

V : oh? well how many guys did you give your number 2

Roman : I only gave a number to 2 kids who were guys

V : thats nice ill give you a hint im only in morning classes

Roman : Im dumbfounded if my teacher takes my phone its ur fault btw

V : haha very funny r u in english rn or smthng

Roman : No im in spanish

V : who the heck takes spanish

Roman : haha jk theres no class here that teaches spanish im in art

V : oh

Roman : Tell me who you are pls

V : no just know that i only take morning classes and am always tired

Roman : Haha I know who you are now

V : idc

Roman : So you decided to take my ears?

V : no, i just felt like talking to someone

V : ?

V : roman

V : i got ur phone taken crap

V : oh well

V : goodbye until the end of ur class

[and with that this ends for now]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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