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Once upon a time, there was a hidden world: a world of magic and wonder. A world of strange creatures and even stranger humans. A world called Wonderland. And ruler of this world was a man known as Time.

Now, Time was no ordinary being. He was the keeper, the absolute ruler of time itself. He lived in a distant castle, away from all the bright lights and flamboyant colors selected by Wonderland's other citizens. He kept mostly to himself. Not out of fear or hatred, but out of a sense of protection. For himself and for his machine.

But after Alice so rudely foiled his solitude, he decided it would be safer if his machine were hidden away. That way, no one could find it by accident, and no one could threaten the past ... or the future ... ever again.

When Beast united all the far-reaching kingdoms into one unified country - the United States of Auradon (or USA for short) - Time brought the matter of his machine to the royal courts in the hopes of finding somewhere safe to hide his creation where it would be out of view from curious, or greedy, eyes. It was decided that Auradon Prep would be the safest place for this 'dangerous weapon'. Besides, Beast pointed out. It wasn't like anyone at the school would be dumb enough to fool around with it.


Of course, that was before his son, Ben, decided the children of the villains, or the VKs, would be allowed to join the academy. Upon hearing this decree, Time warned that the VKs were not trusted and that, sooner or later, one of them would find the machine, and disaster would ensue. Ben waved it off, promising that nothing of the sort would happen.

And so, the VKs came. Four of them, in fact. Jay, son of Jafar. Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil. Evie, daughter of Evil Queen. And Mal, daughter of Maleficent. All four had lived on the Isle of the Lost for the sixteen years of their lives, all had been taught to be evil, just like their parents. But, upon arrival, the four teens were swayed to good by a few of the residents (not to mention all the sweets).

Mal fell in love with Ben. It took a little while to realize that she was in love with him ... whatever love felt like. Maleficent had taught her that love was weak and ridiculous. At first, Mal agreed with her and was only interested in spelling the prince to gain access to Fairy Godmother's wand. However, the more time she spent around Ben, the more she realized she had true feelings for him.

Jay had always been about brute force. On the Isle, his specialties had bone pick-pocketing and thievery. But not in Auradon. In Auradon, stealing was considered wrong. So, the son of Jafar found a way to channel his athleticism into something much more productive. He joined the Tourney team and quickly rose to their star player ... once he learned how to follow a rule book.

Carlos always had bone scared stiff of dogs. His mom being Cruella, he never had a dog around ... well, not a real one anyway. So, when he and Dude, the campus mutt in Auradon, he ran off screaming, forcing Ben to rescue him from the 'vicious, rabid, pack animal'. Ben then explained that dogs were really not all that bad and had given Carlos a chance to bond with Dude. Carlos discovered that he actually liked dogs and that his mother had been entirely wrong about them.

And last, but not least, was Evie. The stunning and flirtatious daughter of Evil Queen loved nothing more than turning all the guys' heads as she passed. Her mother had taught her that beauty was everything ... and that she needed a prince to be happy. At first, she tried to win herself a prince and a kingdom by flirting with Chad Charming, Cinderella's son. She tried all of the traditional techniques to no avail. The only thing Chad wanted from her was a way to cheat to get his homework done. He was certainly no prince to her. And then there was Doug, the youngest son of Dopey, and the literal opposite or royalty. Although Evie tried at first to avoid him as much as possible (their parents were enemies after all), he seemed to crop up wherever she was. When they first arrived, in Chemistry, under the bleachers, behind the lockers, lingering during Family Day. It seemed like no matter where she went, there he was, stalking her. After he saved her from being released and sent back to the Isle, and helped her pass the Chemistry test, she finally accepted that, maybe, he wasn't so bad after all. He wasn't a prince. Not even close . But maybe they could be friends at least? Besides, her mom would never have to know, right?

And then along came Maleficent to mess everything up. In a daring move, Mal defeated her mother, choosing good about evil. Maleficent transformed into a lizard and shrunk to the size of the love in her heart. Very itty bitty.

Auradon was saved. The VKs chose good, preferring to stay in Auradon and not going back to the Isle for a long, long time. What they didn't know was the hidden location of Time's machine ... or that someone was about to use it. What they didn't know was that their happily ever afters were about to be threatened ... and nothing would ever be the same.

And it all started a month after the coronation when the VKs didn't show up to class ...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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