Mistaken Identity

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Ruri summoned lerlust assemble Nightingale and attacked sawatari five times and winning the duel and sawatari was shocked

"I lost again..." sawatari said falling on his butt

The warehouse was damaged up by the attacks and ruri walked up to sawatari and held a badge

"What are u and duel academy planning?" He said holding the badge

"Duel academy i never heard of it?" He said looking confused

"Don't play dumb!" He yelled

"I'm serious that badge is given to Leo students only we don't know about no duel academy" he said rasing his hands

"Ur of no use to me" he turned around and started leaving

"Hey wait who are u" sawatari said getting up

"I would like to know too" yuya said looking at him

"Who am i" he said taking his mask off and he faced sawatari

They both looked shocked and sawatari fainted a bit as yuya moved slowly to him

"Yuzu" she said looking at him

-at yusho duel school-

"Yuya!" Yuzu yelled out as he put groceries down on the table

"She's not here" a tall man said walking in

"Where is she then gong?" He asked worried

"I saw sawatari and his gang take her" gong said

"And u didn't stop them!" He yelled running out

He ran out the school and started heading down the street as he pulled his phone out and pulled up a map pinpointing yuyas location

-at the warehouse-

Yuyas dragon bracelet started glowing and she closed her eyes cause the light was so bright and when she opened her eyes the man was gone and she started looking around

"Hello yuzu" she said looking around

"Yuya!" Yuzu ran in and was breathing heavily and he walked up to her and held her

"The fuck yuya i was worried" he said holding her tightly

"I-im sorry" she said hugging back

Yuzu then glared at sawatari and let go of yuya and walked up to him as he flinched a bit

"And u what were you going to do to yuya!" He said grabbing sawatari by the shirt

"I give i give just don't hurt me again" he said raising his hands and he put him down and walked over to yuya and took her her hand

"Were going back" he said walking out the warehouse

"Oki" yuya said looking down

She was wondering who that man was that looked like yuzu was and she looked at yuzu and then held his hand tight

"Hey yuzu what would u say if i saw ur twin"yuya said looking down

"Huh?" Yuzu stopped and looked at yuya confused

"Never mind" she said still looking down

"Yuya did u see someone that looked just like me?"

Yuya didn't answer as yuzu sighed and continued walking back to the school after reaching the school he saw gong and a boy with blue hair and a type a uniform at the school

"Who's that gong?" Yuzu asked looking at the boy

"I was going to introduce him to u but u went after yuya this is sora he wanted to meet yuya"gong said patting soras back

"I heard u have a learning method called pendulum summoning" he said with a smile

"How do u know about that?" Yuya said looking confused

"I was watching ur duels" sora said confidentially

"Stalker!" Yuzu said and grabbed yuyas hand and walked inside

-on a roof-

"I think i saw yuta shay" ruri said looking at his card

"What?!" He said looking at his brother "where did u see her"

"I have to make sure first and see if it is her" ruri said and put his card back in his pouch

Shay growled a bit then ruri heard a sigh from him as he sat by him

"Alright then but it has to be her" shay said looking at him

"I just want to be sure" he said and stood up and put his duel disk on his arm "let's go we have information to collect

"Right" shay said and got up

They both jumped down the roof and runs their separate ways in different directions

-at yusho duel school-

"Wait what again?" Yuzu said looking confused

"U kinda look like the boy i saw at an alley way dueling someone" sora said eating pancakes

"Yuya" yuzu said and looked at yuya as she quickly turned away and he got a tic mark

"Hey!" Yuzu said angrily

"She probably did see that same person that sora saw" gong said crossing his arms

"Maybe I'll go look into it later for now who's hungry" yuzu said

Me! "Yuya said eyes sparkling

-at the Leo institute-

"Have u brought back the records for yuya" a man with glasses said as he was looking out his window

"Yes Mr. Akaba she has a new summoning method that's called pendulum summoning and she goes to yusho duel school

"Really now" he said looking out his window

"Why always yuya she is a no good cheater that's wht she is" sylvio said

"How did u get in here" the man said

"Leave it sylvio i have a request for u if u bring yuya here to me u'll join in the lancers as well" he said looking at sylvio and adjusting his glasses

"Really i also want another run in the torment declan" sylvio said holding his sides

"No that's over with bring yuya here no exemption her summoning skills will strengthen our team and we have a group of people locating some guys that are targeting Leo duelist now hurry up and go get yuya" declan said as he sat at his desk

"Fine" he said walking out the office

"Are u sure Mr. Akaba" the man said holding a folder

"I'm sure he will bring her to us then we can infiltrate duel academy and stop my father" he said gripping his hands together

-at a park-

A bright light shined as a duelist on a runner with green hair and a white suit appeared and he took off his helmet looking around

"Where am i now?" He said and looked at his card "this keeps teleporting me everywhere i hope i can find yuga here" he said and looked up at the sky

*well I'm ending it here hope y'all enjoyed until then bye**

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