Episode 09

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(This book is available everywhere online. I'm working as I can to get this posted to Wattpad. If you can't wait to see how this turns out, see https://calm.li/HoomanSagaBk2Pt1 for more information and links.) 

SOO-SHE TROTTED IN the middle of the exhausted hunter-pack of wolves as they came down the hill into the valley. Sentient female hunters came behind them. They kept up the trot until they were in a clearing under a large oak tree, where the wolves laid down.

Soo-she knew better than to do that. Her body would get painful cramps if she did. So she stood with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath and hoping nothing more would be asked from her for a while.

Breaths for all the hunting-pack were ragged still. The hunters she traveled with had laid down all around her, still protecting her. Tig wasn't close, but he wasn't any farther away than the other hunters.

One gray, almost white, female wolf came forward and sat on her haunches just inside that ring of hunters. And she waited.

Some females crept closer and sniffed their males. See what they were up, to scent their condition. Some of the older cubs crept forward but stopped short of the hunting circle. They knew not to risk the displeasure of their sire or their elders.

Gradually the heavy breathing slowed. Soo-she looked at the eyes of the gray female and stood up, erect.

"This must be the teacher," she thought.

And Teacher sent, "Yes, you are welcome."

Snarl added, "For now."

Neither the gray one or Soo-she recognized that or looked in his direction. They kept looking at each other.

The gray one sent, "You don't know us and we don't know of you. You're a different one for this valley, and Tig was wise to bring you here. We need to know: Are you a danger or help?"

Soo-she had no answer but the flood of memories that came, out in the open for all to see. The other wolves, cubs, and females sat back. Some moved away. The hunters who traveled with Soo-she were all used to this by now and had seen many of these pictures.

Soo-she started where the meteor was entering the planet's atmosphere. Talking with the cyborg pilot who was trying to reassure her of her safety. Then their sudden jarring. And all the lights went out inside the cabin. Only the emergency lights were left. The cyborg himself quit operating. Sue was grasping emergency lever on the door. For all the stories she'd heard about the polluted air, she didn't know if the rescue capsule was the safest place to stay.

And then as she clambered up and out, all went black. Until she revived, facing a wolf staring at her which was Tig. Then the escape from the ferals. The flames she'd produced was a trick her grandmother had taught her while they were on the moon station. She called it the "umbrella trick." It was a way to confuse people who were looking right at you. It would have them see something else. And then she sent the vision of Snarl, with his view of what he'd seen. The opening of dead-end canyon: two wolves embraced by fire.

After that, it was revisiting the meteor. The running to keep ahead of the ferals. And the fire at the notch-opening of the valley that saved them.

The gray one cocked her head at that and thanked her for her thoughts. She stood up and swished her long tail, sending, "It's time to rest." She walked out of the circle and a path cleared for her.

Soo-she understood to follow, and walked behind her to the edge of the valley floor. Nearly hidden in the canyon wall was a small den. It had a hole just big enough for the gray one to enter. Soo-she followed on hands and knees, although the effort brought new pains through her legs and hands. The teacher waited inside that was somehow lit, not depending on the light from the opening.

And then Soo-she realized she was seeing through the teacher's eyes. She knew where everything was and knew the soft bed at the back of the cave was hers. She crawled over to it and dropped.  

(This book is available everywhere online. I'm working as I can to get this posted to Wattpad. If you can't wait to see how this turns out, see https://calm.li/HoomanSagaBk2Pt1 for more information and links.) 

The Hooman Saga - Book Two, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now