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(( So wow I've been gone from here for a while.. Last time I was on, Changing (my Luke fanfic) was only at 8.7k. Now, it's at 20k. I just want to thank you guys for sticking with me while I've been off Wattpad. Now that I see you guys truly like the stories, I do think I will continue. Also, please read my Ashton fanfic, Storms! Thank you!(: ))


"Don't waste your time on me
You're already the voice inside my head."

Only 17 hours has passed now since I kissed Luke infront of Calum. 17 hours and Luke has been like a shadow towards me. 17 hours and not so much as a syllable has been exchanged between Calum Thomas Hood and I.

Currently, I sat at home watching tv. The night was filled with regret, anger, and sadness. But, also a small portion of happiness. I regretted kissing Luke, but a small part of me felt happy that I had finally made the choice to begin getting over Calum. He was never going to love me. I'm young, I'm only 17. As well as being 17, I'm also a realist. I knew Calum wouldn't be the only person I could ever love. Even if a small portion of me hoped he would be, wait, what am I even saying to myself, I knew he wouldn't.
I was angry at myself. I let my emotions over Calum get the best of me because he was with Kristen. He just seemed so happy.. And me? I deserve happiness. So I did something about it. I tried to make myself happy. I tried to kiss Luke and possibly feel a small spark and think that maybe after I kissed him we would get closer and I could be with Luke and I could be happy. But that wasn't the case.

I felt sad because I had used Luke for my own selfish reason. even though there was nothing wrong with Luke, almost absolutely everything was wrong with Luke. Luke's vibrant blue eyes were not Calum's luscious, dark, rich brown ones. Luke's thin pink lips were nothing compared to Calum's full, plump ones. Luke's blonde hair was not Calum's thick wavy hair. Luke's shy personality was on the totally different end of Calum's outgoingness. It was a simple fact, Luke wasn't Calum. and after everything, after the past few years, Calum was,and still would be who I wanted.

"Blake, I need to talk to you." My mother said, walking down our spiraled stair case. Instantly I groaned. I thought she was at the office today.
"Yes, mother?" I respond still looking at the tv. Her small figure apears infront of me, one hand on a hip that was jutted out so slightly. The look on her face was frightening.

"Your father and I talked, and we decided something." She smiled at me, an actual smile. A smile that made me think that maybe, just maybe, they had changed their mind about that certain something. The writing camp. "We think it's time for you to get a job. You need to get out of the house more and it'd be good extra money to help towards your car you want.", actually meaning "I think it's time for you to get a job. I don't want you in the house as much, and that way you don't have to use up my money."

After a bit of arguing, me saying that I didn't even mind having a job, it's just that last time I had one they made me quit because I camehome after a late shift upset one day, and like always my mother made a big deal, her saying that when she did that she was going through a tough time. She just didn't get her mani-pedi that week.

About an hour later, I decided to go ahead and have an excuse to leave the house and go look for any place at least 20 minutes away that was hiring and didn't look like health services was about to close it down.

I decided I'd try along the boardwalk first, and continued walking for a while, till I decided maybe in town would be a better option. Further from home, a possibility of air conditioning, and it didn't smell like fish. Bonus.

After another hour of walking, and my feet feeling like they were about to fall off, I found a small smoothie shop along a strip mall. I sat down at a table outside, closing my eyes while attempting to rest for a little bit. That was soon ruined.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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