Chapter II- The Undergrounds and The Others

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"Never Trust the Eyes when the Underground Calls"
"Never Trust the Eyes when the Underground Calls"
"Never Trust the Eyes when the Underground Calls"
Breathing heavily, Blindfolded, Someone is taking me somewhere.

The ground is very rugged as this thing I'm riding is shaking so badly.

I can't believe that this happened to me.

Michael!! I thought he's my best friend but he.. he traded me?? With Zayn!?

No no... no, I can't believe this!

Oh, Wait... wait, I used to have dreams look like real life.. of course, this is one of them and I'm gonna wake soon.

But this is way too real and where am I anyway??
What 3rd kin__... 3rd kingdom?
King of the Seven kingdoms.
This is his Kingdom number 3!!
Kheth?? But how?? Isn't he already dead??

Was it false what was written in the paragraph or this short story??
Hang on!! The book is so old means everything must be ruins now!

"Stand up", someone said this.
I freaked out and didn't wanna do anything he commands me with.

"Man please I.. I beg you I'll do anything for you, don't hurt me," I begged this person. I was so scared.

"Hurt you? Do you think I'm a killer or something?" The guy said.

"Well, for now, yes. I'm blindfolded and handcuffed and don't know where am I so, of course, I should think you're a killer" I said.

"Hahahahaha here we don't kill humans." He said.
"Wha.. huma.. wha.. What Are You?!!."I freaked out.
After he said we don't kill humans I felt that my heart stopped working and I was shaking.

"I will tell you only if you said how did you manage to come here". He said.

"If I could tell you I swear I would have told you,
the Last thing I remember is that my friend and another guy left me perhaps I'm not sure and when I tried to escape with them I hit my head and lost consciousness and now I'm here" I explained.

"Are you fooling me kid?" He said.
"I swear this is what happened," I replied.

"And what on Earth have you done so they leave you?" He asked.
"I had a book about Egyptology but I believe it's cursed," I explained.
"Egyptology!! I .. I thought they got rid of every source!!!" He was shocked and said to himself.

"What source, what's going on," I asked.

"Don't say anything I know now how did you come here as You've passed the Underground gate and Your friends did not leave you, they've done you a favor."
He continued.

We actually were walking while speaking, my handcuffs were leashed to a rope which he pulled so I could move behind him.

His words were so confusing and no human mind can imagine easily what he said.

"What do you mean by they got rid of every source, and what's an Underground gate and WHAT FAVOR" I shouted.

"It's gonna take a while to explain but I'll tell you everything in sequence." He said.

"Can you please take this thing off my eyes?" I asked.
"I'm afraid you won't like it." He said.
"Like what?" I said.
"Our appearances and our lives as you humans won't handle it," he said.

"Can you please stop saying you humans because it gives me a feeling that I'm talking to an alien?" I asked.

"Well I'm an alien to you and you're an alien to me but we manage to live on the same planet but you could say "different dimensions?" he explained.

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