Chapter III- WAR

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Imagine seeing an Army composed of Millions of creatures coming toward a few hundred thousand other creatures but a little bit bigger!

"What are you both doing here." Someone behind us with Deep voice said.
I and Emma stared at each other then looked toward the voice.

He was one of the Knights but he had Stronger Shape, he looked as if he had a higher position.

"You both know you're not in your World Cinema right?
now go back to the cave you came from and never come here again until someone comes to take you." He said.

"No we are not going back unless... uhh you hear him," Emma said this while pointing at me.

I looked at Emma weirdly about what should I say? But randomly said
"You should win this war, sir."
"Now Leave," he said .
Emma and I stood up and left with no extra word. This feels so awkward.

"Why did you tell him to listen to me?" I asked.
"I don't know should have told him something interesting so we can watch the war." She replied.

"Oh, now I understood why did he say we are not in our world cinema,
you're so stupid" I said.
"I am stupid? If so then Get away from me!" she said and left to another direction.

And eventually, I kept walking alone.
She came to me running.
"How dare you leave me go like that, I could have got killed!" She said.
"We are going to get killed if you don't stop these acts" I replied.

"Look, I really wanna see this war even if it was from the very far mountain. Man, it's once in a lifetime." She said.

"Hmm.. convincing again, fine let's go to that one.. not too far not too close and high enough," I said pointing at one of the Mountains in the Northern East.

"Yesss." She said with excitement.
"We aren't really going to the cinema, are we. You're giving me this feeling of buying popcorn while watching a Goddamn War Emma!!" I shouted.

"Jesus, take it easy I'm just glad you accepted." She replied.

We kept walking for 20 minutes and here's what happened.

We stopped under the mountain but eventually found a path leading upwards so we followed it but it wasn't easy to walk on as it was tight.
But at last, we managed to reach the summit and I got to say that it was one of the best scenes I could ever see.

You're looking from Above a high Mountain.

You could see both Armies getting ready any second to engage, while also seeing other far-red mountains that are actually unexpectedly hundreds of them.

Also, you can see the Lake from here but it's so far as you can only see a blue color out of nowhere.

"When will they start" Emma Asked.
"Ugh... Emma, dear, stop speaking or I'll push you off the edge" I replied.

I'm so scared anyway and I didn't want any extra words from anyone.
Unexpected thing happened.

The Others started Yelling and Screaming and some of them were shouting out loud some Greek Words!

This isn't the thing, I mean, how can Sound travel this fast through all of this Distance! But as I always do,
I remembered Zuk's words that I need hundreds of years to understand the UG world.

They sounded very creepy and I had this Fear jumping through me as I keep listening to their sounds. and I think so as Emma, and The UG's!!!!

Everyone was scared even the strongest knights!
What kind of sound is this to do such a thing for a Great Army and make them nervous!

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