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This one starts in my apartment complex but instead of having a small building as my view from my room window it was the view of a beach and the apartment complex was on a hill, and directly infront of me was these girls maybe in their early 20s late teens swinging on a hammock. In my head I thought the view was beautiful with the waves and seagulls flying around. All of the sudden the waves get bigger as they got bigger I heard one of the girls say "whats happening". Usually you would be able to see where this is gonna go but instead of it being a tsunami it started flooding untill it reached my bedroom window so I decided it would be best to close the window. I went around my small livingroom and my parents room to make sure the windows were closed, as I walked back to my room I noticed it was only water surrounding the apartment complex and the girls were long gone by then.

The once sunny day was now gloomy and dark but you could still see what was in the water. This is were my dream got weider all of the sudden I see palm trees just there floating in a straight line? They were not moving nor floating it was like they grew there and were not about to move unless some strong force was used. As I stared outside into the deep ocean knowing that my dad was probably playing on the computer or alseep on the couch, my brother playing on his wii u and watching tv at the same time, as well my mom just laying on the bed watching tv behind me.

A couple of mintues pass and all of the sudden I see these ugly looking humans swimming towards the palm trees but then something clicked in my head telling me that these were mermaids.... really ugly and scary looking ones but they didnt seem to notice the plam trees so the swam right into them but they didnt bump their heads, instead the plam trees went through their heads and out their tails killing them, I guess they couldn't hear nor see so all I see is multiple mermaids getting killed by these stone rock plam trees. That wasnt the worst part the worst part was that I could hear the sound of their skulls breaking and the flesh being torn apart, I gasp in utter shock and horror. They didnt seem to notice me standing there and watching as they continued doing this.

All of the sudden the location changes and there are no longer mermaids slaming into rock hard plam trees splitting their skulls open. Instead my parents, brother and a random 3 year old girl < assuming its my little cousin or someone related to me in some form > We just sit infornt of the wall that above us was a large rectangular glass window. I remember us being scared and trying not to look or my eye contact with someone or something, then I see someone that doesn't look like my mom or any lady that I know, put up the little 3 y/o girl and with her eyes closed near the now opened window and all I hear is someone eating and then saying "I'll be back" as I look up I see the little girl gone but I didnt hear a scream or cry it was like the thing made the little girl into believing something like in those vampire movies they use their eyes, yea something like that.

As I hear the same footsteps come back the person? Or monster I dont know says "I put on contacts so you can now see my face and not get compelled." After he said that <guessing its a male by the deep voice> I see someone jumping inside my living room landing on the couch from my window and I instantly run towards him grabbing his chin so he can face me and I stare into his soul, afterwards looking at his teeth for some reason. His teeth were perfect and his canine teeth were sharp and pointy. I dont remember what happened after this but I know that he stayed at our apartment.

Soon after I see a lady that looks exactly like my mom enter the apartment pretending to her but I knew who my real mom was so I tired to tell my dad but he was manipulated by this strange woman. I cried as she layed next to my dad at this time my mom was sleeping and I was trying so hard to convince my father that this was not his wife. He soon got angry with my behavior and hit me I responded with "HIT ME ALL YOU WANT BUT THAT IS NOT MY MOM" I quickly realized that the woman was gone as well as the knife on the counter, I ran to my parents room and I see the woman lying next to my mother I yell at her. I forgot what I said to her but I was enraged during all this my REAL mom sleeping, I went to the monster guy with sharp canine teeth crying and begging him to help me to get my dad to notice this wasnt his wife he loved and vowed to spend the rest of his life with.

My dream changed locations once again and I think that situation got sorted out because now we where on a cruise and I sensed that this was my real mom and not that shady doppelganger .

In this location I was a male? And the same guy that ate the little 3
y/o was in this last section of my overall dream. This part of my dream is hard to describe but I'll try my best.

On this cruise we were celebrating someones birthday and we had a view of a city, next to our cruise ship was another cruise ship that was right next to us so we could easily jump to the other one if we wanted to. Some of them did but I went to this one part that had hammocks so I sat next to the sharp teeth guy. Im guessing I was closer to him in this section for some reason but this guy had so secret flying abilities that I didnt know about. With these abilities we flew to a near by island and then outta no where a building is on fire and I just see zombies walking about and running, like full on sprinting to the water and these zombies were like swimming? This guy that is flying with me on hid back gets super close to these zombies for fun that one almost grabbed my arm but this guy was faster and we flew away back to the cruise ship.


This is were my dream ended and i woke up around 8 by my brother asking me if I wanted to go with them to the movies so yea this is the end of D.01
Stick around for D.02 dont ask me how I remember all of this but I did and now Im writing about it.

I feel like this dream happened because of the tik toks and movies that I have recently watched but Im cool with it :v


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