The next day Quinn woke up in a cold sweat. She was worried that she would miss the train, and that all the boys would catch up with her, and everyone would get her or be disappointed with her.
"It was just a dream. Mother, you will be proud of me. I promise." Quinn nodded at the sky. She jumped off the bench and ran towards the train station.
Sam and the rest of his gang stood in a bush hiding from sight.
"Boys, are we going to get Quinn today?" Sam asked.
"I don't know. She got us pretty good yesterday." Alex sighed. Adam nodded in agreement.
"Shut up! We will get her today! I can promise you boys that. She said that she is heading for the train station to try to get as far away from here. Little does she know, she's going to get a big surprise from us ten boys, eh?" Sam laughed.
"I don't know Sam. I have to meet my mother for dinner before she gets angry." Fred shook his head.
"Me too. I'm going with him." Gabe nodded.
"We will do whatever it takes. Does it look like I care about your mother? Or her stupid dinner?" Sam questioned.
"I'll have you know, Fred's mother makes the most delicious dinners!" Gabe cried.
"Shut up Gabe! Before she hears us!" Sam whispered.
"Let's go Sam. Before we lose her." Jack ran out of the bush and led the group towards Quinn. Sam took charge.
Quinn was oblivious to the boys following her path. Every so often Quinn would look behind her and make sure that no one was following her. The boys would duck or hide behind trees.
Quinn got to the train station and pleaded with the woman behind the ticket booth to give her a ticket.
"Please miss, I am trying to follow my father. He left me behind without knowing, and all I know is that he always takes this train. I have to find him. Please!" Quinn begged.
"I'm sorry young lady, but I cannot give away free tickets. Your story is truly tragic, but I do not know if you tell the truth. For that reason, I am not allowed to give away any tickets without them being paid for. I am very sorry." the woman shook her head.
"Please miss. I need to get out of town. Not only do I need to find my father, but there's this group of boys that keep chasing me. They are saying that I stole something from him. I have nothing to begin with. They just keep coming after me. I need to get out of here." Quinn added.
"I don't know. I feel bad for you, but I don't know if this is such a good idea. I'm not allowed to give out free tickets." the woman wrung her hands.
"Please miss. I need your help." Quinn pleaded.
"Fine. But I don't want anyone to hear a word about this. Do you understand?" the woman questioned. She handed Quinn a ticket to the next train.
"Perfect. Thanks so much!" Quinn evaluated the ticket.
The woman sighed and sent her on her way. The boys jumped out of a bush and ran up to the ticket lady.
"Listen lady, that girl that was just up here probably told you some crap story, but I'm not going to bother telling you mine. So, what do you say you give me ten tickets on that train and never tell anyone about this?" Sam leaned over the counter.
"Listen Sam, just because we're siblings doesn't mean that I'm your slave! I don't do everything for you." Sam's sister Betsy rolled her eyes.
"Yeah you do. Betsy, give me the tickets." Sam roared.
"What's going on?" Quinn walked over to the boys.
"Do something!" Adam whispered to Alex.
"Do something!" Alex whispered to Jack.
"Uhh?!." Jack swallowed. Quinn looked back and forth at all the boys. Her eyes widened. She knew what was going on.
"Stall with Betsy." Jack whispered to Sam. Sam raised his eyebrows.
"Someone tell me what's happening!" Quinn looked at Betsy. Betsy shrugged.
Jack kissed Quinn. Quinn was taken aback. During this kiss, Sam knocked his sister out with his fist, jumped over the counter, got ten tickets, and grabbed Jack.
"Thank you for the kiss!" Jack cried.
"Ugh!" Quinn squealed.
"Listen Quinn, Sam is my brother. We lost our parents at a very young age, his mind is corrupted. He can't leave this place. He'll chicken out and send his men after you. Take this." Betsy groaned as she got up.
Betsy handed Quinn a photograph of Sam and his parents.
"Thanks." Quinn wiped Jack's saliva off her mouth and chased after the train.
Sam was about to jump on the train when Quinn punched him in the nose. "What the hell?" Sam exclaimed.
"You need to stay here! Not only for my safety, but you can't leave! Your parents and your sister's legacy are here! Take this." Quinn shouted over the train and handed Sam the photo.
"Oh my god. Where the hell did you get this?" Sam screamed over the loud noises.
"Your sister." Quinn hopped on the train and waved goodbye.
Jack pushed Quinn out of the way and shouted at Sam. "What do you think you're doing? Jump on!" Jack yelled. "We haven't separated from each other in twelve years!"
"I'm sorry bro. My family calls." Sam waved. "Get back what belongs to me!"
Sam faded away. Quinn relaxed until Jack walked right up to her.
"What? You gonna throw me off the train? You gonna kiss me again? You're so unpredictable! What are you going to do to me?" Quinn stood up straight. Jack towered over her, and his brown hair was all in his eyes.
"You know what I'm going to do?" Jack wiped away a tear.
"Why are you crying?" Quinn was a sweetheart and she felt so bad for Jack. His best friend had just abandoned him, and he had no one. But, Jack had been mean to her for so long.
"I'm crying because life sucks. And I have no one. Adam and Alex are probably making out with a mirror right now, Chris is probably huddling in a corner, and Fred and Gabe probably jumped off the train by now." Jack explained.
"Sorry, but like you said, life sucks." Quinn ran past him into a compartment and locked the door. Jack groaned.
"I'm sorry!" Quinn lied. She turned around. "Ha. Not sorry."
Quinn sat down in a chair and slept through the ride as Jack banged on the door. Quinn slept through it all.

The Perfect Fit
General FictionA young girl named Quinn has ran away from home, and her mother has been dead for a while now. A pack of boys constantly chase after her claiming that she has stolen something from them. Quinn is constantly having to run from place to place trying t...