It was a beautiful day in sunny California. No one was bothered by the hot sun or the cool breeze blowing through all of the trees. No one was stirring, or creating a big fuss. Everything was calm in all the stores and on the sidewalks.
A young girl broke through a crowd of people and ran to the nearest shop. She hid behind a rack of clothes and waited for ten gang members to pass by.
"Excuse me young lady? May I help you? Are you looking for a dress?" a saleswoman asked. Quinn looked around and noticed that she was surrounded by dresses, and girls trying on dresses. Sparkles everywhere.
"Uh, no sir. I mean ma'am. I'm not looking for anything. I mistook this store for something else." the young girl backed away.
"My store is not a place to play hide and seek! Get out! Get out now!" the saleswoman yelled. The young girl ran out the store and to the direction she had come from. Eight boys chased her.
"Get back here little girl! You'll be sorry for what you did!" the tallest boy screamed at her.
"Forget it Sam! I'm keeping it! You don't deserve it!" the young girl shouted back at him.
Sam became frustrated. He started to pick up his pace. The boys behind him started to follow faster, and became more and more angry.
The young girl looked behind her and saw an angry group of boys starting to pick up speed. "Crap." she muttered.
She races around a telephone pole. One stupid boy ran right into it. One down. Nine more to go.
The young girl knew that one of the boys named Jack wasn't a very fast runner and would eventually slow down. She just needed a way to slow him down a lot faster.
"Stairs." she saw a long flight of stairs right ahead of her that led to a fountain. "Kill three birds with one stone." she grinned.
She raced up the stairs. Just as she suspected, Jack got tired out and stopped running. One of the faster boys couldn't stop running after going so fast. He tumbled into the fountain.
A sentimental boy named Oscar stopped to make sure that the boy that fell in the fountain was alright.
"Just as I thought." the girl laughed. There were still six other boys to leave behind. Sam was a difficult one. He didn't necessarily have a weakness. She would have to think of one later. Twin boys named Adam and Alex were so fast, and they were pretty smart. A boy named Gabe did whatever Fred did. If she could get Fred out, then Gabe certainly would too.
"Hey Fred! I think your mom just called you in for dinner! She said that Gabe was more than welcome to go as well!" the girl shouted.
"Ooh, sweet." Fred stopped running and walked home. Gabe followed.
"Idiots." she murmured.
That left four. Sam, Adam, Alex, and a boy named Chris. Chris had so many weaknesses, it was hard to keep count. She decided to go with the most fun option. Jumping. She lunged over walls, and staircases. Sam, Adam, and Alex has no trouble. Chris attempted to jump, but bumped his head on the wall he tried to jump over.
"Chris! Are you kidding me?" Sam shouted.
Chris fell. The girl laughed.
Adam and Alex looked at how angry Sam was. They were determined to catch this girl before she got away with stealing from them.
"Adam and Alex are too obsessed with their looks. Maybe I can get them distracted with a mirror! A giant mirror! The courtyard!" the girl realized.
She swerved left and headed straight towards the courtyard where there was a giant mirror surrounding them. A huge mirror.
"Adam, look at me. I have such great hair." Alex looked at the mirror and smoothed his hair back.
"Yeah right Alex. Look at my skin, it's so perfectly soft that anyone would wish to have it." Adam stopped running.
"Yeah but look at my eyes. They are perfectly shaped almonds with bright green pits in the center." Alex gazed at his reflection.
"Wow. Look at my eyebrows. They are in the perfect shape, with absolutely no hairs protruding out of them." Adam sighed.
"We look perfect." the twins said at the same time.
The twins kept admiring themselves in the mirror, pushing each other out of the way to get a better look at themselves.
Sam chased after the girl with much more determination than before.
"Face it Quinn, you'll never outrun me. I am so much faster than you." Sam yelled.
"Shut up Sam! We both know that's not true." the young girl named Quinn replied.
"I was always faster than you, and I run so much faster when I need something that someone stole from me." Sam ran faster.
"I didn't take it! Someone gave it to me! It doesn't belong to you anymore!" Quinn pumped her arms.
"I swear to god, say that one more time, and I might shove you up against a wall for what you stole from me!" Sam screamed.
Quinn stopped running. She turned around and faced Sam. "So do it." she said.
"Do what?" Sam asked.
"Oh I don't know. Shove me up against a wall? Do what you must." Quinn spread her arms out.
"I can't do anything to a girl." Sam pointed out.
"Then scram. Because there's no rule that I can't do anything to a boy." Quinn waved him away.
"I'll get you next time Quinn." Sam warned her.
"Whatever." Quinn rolled her eyes. She sat down on a bench. She flipped her jet black hair to the other side, and closed her green eyes. She laid down on the bench and looked up at the sky.
"Mom? I don't know if you're listening, but if you are, I am so sorry. I didn't steal anything from him, and I shouldn't always be on the run. I probably shouldn't have ran away from dad even though he was a pain to live with. I understand why you ran away. I just don't understand why you didn't take me with you. And now you're gone. I still don't understand how you died, and dad wouldn't give me answers. All he said was that you died. He showed me the newspaper and everything. He seemed upset, but he didn't love you as much as I did. Maybe if we were together you wouldn't have died. But I know that none of this was your fault and that it's almost impossible to blame it on you. I have a plan. I'm hopping on a train tomorrow. I'm getting out of here. And no one can stop me. You wouldn't be able to if you were here. I love you. Goodnight." Quinn signed. She laid down on her side and went to sleep. Sam listened in on her plan.
"Perfect. I'll be there Quinn." Sam laughed.

The Perfect Fit
Ficción GeneralA young girl named Quinn has ran away from home, and her mother has been dead for a while now. A pack of boys constantly chase after her claiming that she has stolen something from them. Quinn is constantly having to run from place to place trying t...