Chapter 21: Our true story

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In the waiting room, Yoongi seems more nervous than usual. The members were actually laughing at him right now. They've been with him since forever but this is the first time they could see this aspect of Yoongi.

"Relax huyng, you will be fine" Jimin said while having the stylist put on some final touch on his makeup.

"I didn't even feel this nervous when we first debuted. I feel like throwing up right now"

Hoseok walks over Yoongi and put his hand and on both of Yoongi shoulder to calm him down

"Things will go great" He said

"How do you know?"

"Don't you already know it huyng? It just has to be her in the end, isn't it?" Hoseok said while giving Yoongi a grin.

"Yeah you are right"

"Everyone we have 2 minutes left. One of the mangers come into their dressing room and give the announcement"

"You're ready?"

"Absolutely. Let's do this" He head out of the room to know that the world has their eyes on him.Once they walk out of the platform, hundreds of cameras and light shutter in front of his face. He thought that one day he might be comfortable being in the spotlight but no it still suffocates him though.

That's why he needs her so bad. As long as she stands by his side, he no longer needs anything else.


"So for this album what type of story do you guys want to tell this time?" The cameras and sounds clicking around the room

"For this question, I think one of our members will have a better answer than me" Namjoon turns to look at Yoongi. All the members share the look and tell him that it's time. He could hear his heart beating so fast right now like it just wants to jump out of his chest. He inhaled deeply to calm down

"Oh yes, I did have a particular story I want to tell this time. I wrote those lyrics for a person"

The room starts to whisper all along

"The lyrics in those songs are very personal and seems to describe a relationship. Are you trying to say that you're writing about your own relationship?"

"Yes. Those songs are about my relationship with the girl I fell deeply in love with for the past 10 years."

All cameras now focus on him he could see the flashlight clicking and shuttering quickly. The whispers now turn into a chaotic room with a ton of questions throwing at Yoongi

He took a moment to look for Ji Won. He glanced his eyes to search for her in the sea of people. He spotted her sitting almost in the among those journalists. She nodded his head to tell him that she's alright. She didn't know he has his secret too.

"Okay everyone please keep it down for a moment so we can continue this conference." The host tries to call Yoongi's attention.

"Who is the girl? Can you reveal her identity?"

Yoongi closed his eyes.

He stood up and walked towards the crowd, not exactly. He's stepping towards the girl who owes his heart.

It's never a perfect timing isn't it. We have been in this game for too long already. There are never going to the right time to be with you. But every time I decide to stay next to you they turn out to be the right moment

He could see her eyes are getting wider at the scene.

He knows he is the center of attention in this room and not too long after everything will be on the news but he never regret it. Not even once

When he reached to the row of her seat. He offered her his hand and helps her to stand up.

"Do you remember what did I say to you yesterday?"

"Ji Won no matter what happened remember don't let go of my hands okay?"

She nodded

"Don't be scared. This time I'm not going anywhere."

He got on knees. Ji Won is totally shocked by his action that both her hands cover her mouth. It turns out she only knew part of the plans while Yoongi and the members have been setting everything up.

Yoongi took out a small jewelry box and everyone already knows what is inside it

"Ji Won, just focus on me." Yoongi said

"10 years ago, I fell in love with the girl who sat next to me in my class. She was beautiful both inside and out. She did not just choose to be my friend but also my supporter. She decided to stay with me when I had nothing and was despair in my dream. Now when I thought I had everything but all that fame and money just can't replicate her love."

"I was unable to protect her when she needs me. I keep waiting for the right time to put a label on our relationship because I want her to wait for me. I want her to feel proud when she's with me but turns out I was wrong. She didn't need those artificial values."

"Exactly 10 years later, all I want to do is waking up next to her everyday and seeing her smile. Ji Won, could you give me the right to be with you from now until the remaining of our lives?"

The room is all silent to hear her answer.

"Yes and yes only" Ji Won said and the happiness stay on her lips.

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