let it out, talk to me

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A / N
kinda short but I wanted to get something out. Sorry for the long wait, schools been literally kicking my ass. I'll try and get updates out faster but I really can't promise anything. Also I love cavetown to much not to use their music. 

edit. 7.12.21

Dante tapped his foot impatiently while he sat in the hospital waiting room. It had been close to 2 hours and he'd yet to hear anything about Laurence.... Oh, Laurence. 'Why didn't you come to me, you idiot? Don't you know how much we care about you? What am I supposed to tell everyone when they come back and you're in the hospital?' he thought, which was followed by bitter thoughts of 'oh what do they care? They never bothered to call us to explain anything!' He groaned softly, threading his fingers through his messy blue hair and tugging as a way to ground himself. It would be fine. Everything was fine. It had to be.

"Dante?" His head shot up, and he quickly scanned the room for the doctor who called him. Once he found her, he was quick to stand and walk over. "You're here for Laurance Zavhl, correct?"

"Y-yeah! He was brought in a few hours ago, and I haven't heard anything! Is he ok? Is he gonna make it?" His words were rushed and jumbled, a mess of emotions and fear.

"Mr. Zavhl is doing ok as of now. He lost a lot of blood, so he needed a blood transfusion and a stomach pump to rid him of the pills he took. He also received stitches for some of his deeper cuts. ." She explained as she led him down several corridors. "There were high levels of alcohol and other substances in his system. Has he been known to drink and smoke things like weed and pot?"

"Um... Not that i'm aware of. He used to smoke cigarettes back in college, but he stopped a few years back." Dante mumbled, wrapping his arms around himself. The doctor nodded, writing something down on her chart.

"As of now, he's been put under a medically induced coma to help the healing process along. He should wake in 2-3 days. He's not very deep under, so he may hear things you say to him." She paused in front of what he could only assume was his hospital room. "If anything happens, please press the button next to his bed to call us." and with that, she left Dante alone. Taking a deep breath, he entered the room.

Laurence, in all honesty, looked like shit. Crisp bandages lined his arms, his skin pale enough for his freckles and dark circles to stand out. A painful-looking bruise sat across his throat, the deep blue and purple the only real color to him. Ignoring the beeping of the machines all around him, Dante pulled up a chair, feeling more helpless than ever. Nothing like this was ever easy, he mused, but no one ever prepares you for the day your friends tries to take their own life.


Cadenza entered the hospital room, a toddler on her hip. She looked a mess, hair pulled into a lazy ponytail and eyes red-rimmed and puffy. "Oh little Laurence," She breathed, taking a seat opposite of Dante. Even Caleb looked sad if a little confused as to what was happening. She took a shaky breath, running her fingers down his arm in feather-light touches. "I wished you'd told someone instead of this."

"Any updates?"

"Doctors said he should be awake by tomorrow, and that there'll be limited long-term physical damage."

"Have you been here the whole time?"

"I was scared to leave him alone.

"You should go," He looked up quickly, shocked at her words. Leave? At a time like this? "Seriously Dante. I appreciate you staying with my brother when I was away, but you do need to take care of yourself too. Go home, take a shower, eat some real food, take a nap, then come back in a few hours. He'll still be here." Her tone left no room to argue, and despite essentially kicking him out, he could tell she was genuinely worried. He nodded, promising to keep himself to full health as he left the hospital and grabbed a bus home.

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