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12 Years Ago (5 YRS OLD) -
November 21st 2002

Luke and I are playing games and having so much fun up in our treehouse. As always he lets me choose what to play everytime and never complains when I choose to play girly games. I sometimes choose to play the games he likes so then he won't get bored of me. We have been bestfriends since we were tiny little babies. Our mummies say even as little babies we would be inspereable.

At school, everyone wants to be Luke's friend. All the pretty and cool kids. I sometimes get scared that i will lose my bestfriend to them because i'm not as pretty or as cool as those kids and no of them like me. They all call me ugly and four eyes because i wear glasses. It's only a matter of time Luke sees me the way they see me and when he does he won't want to be my friend again. If that happens i don't know how i would survive.

While playing teachers, my mummy interupts us. "Ameera. Luke. Come down. It's time for Luke to go home now."

We climb down the ladder of the treehouse and walk inside to where our parents stood. "Ameera, how are you?" Said Aunty Miranda, Luke's mum.

"I'm good Aunty Miranda. Me and Luke had sooooo much fun today." I replied.

"That's good." She said. Then she turned to my mum "Leila sorry I can't stay long we are already behind schedule. I hopefully you guys can come over to see us or we come over to see you. I probably won't see you again before we leave so I'll say my good buys now. I really am going to miss bestfriend." Aunt Miranda for some reason was crying. Luke and I just looked at each other. We have never seen her cry before. Why was she crying and where is she leaving. Leaving our house? I'm confused but oh well. "Luke and Ameeea say good bye to each other before we leave." Aunt Miranda said.

"Bye Ameera" , "Bye Luke" we both said to each other and did our secret handshake then hugged each other not knowing that this was the last day we would see each other for the next 12 years.


A/N: Please vote or comment or if you are feeling genourous do both. I have no idea if i am going to continue this story or not. It is up to you guys if this story will be continued or not. I dont want to write for no reason because i dont have the time for that as year 12 is only just around the corner.

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