Chapter 1 -

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The Present -

"Ameera, darling. Wake up. It's the first day of school you don't want to miss out do you?" My mum said trying to wake me up. "Plus today is a very special day." That just makes me feel like not going to school even more. Today is the day, the almighty teen heartthrob, Luke Chadwick comes back to live and finish his studies in California. I can just imagine it now. As soon as he steps foot into the school all that you will hear is the squealing girls. I really can't handle that on a Monday morning.

"Do I have to go?" I asked

"Yes and there is no way out of it. Why aren't you excited? Your childhood bestfriend is back."

"The key word being 'childhood'. It has been 12 years mum. People change and he is now practically a celebrity. He will have no time for me now like he had no time for me before. Why bother be friends again when mister bigshot will just leave again after highschool and never contact me again." With that I got up and went to the bathroom slamming the door on the way.

I had a hard time when he and his family left. He was my only friend. He protected me from all those kids that bullied me. When he left I cried for weeks and at school I would sit by myself. Up until the start of middle school, I was the lonely, four eyed kid that everyone picked on. Just before i started middle school I decided to change. I had had enough. I went from being the kid everyone picked on, to the most popular girl everyone envied. It helped that my parent were wealthy as well. Mum has a very successful wedding planning business and dad was co-owner of Wilderchad Enterprise, one of the biggest architecture firms in the world. You can guess who owns the other half. Yes Luke Chadwick's dad, Uncle Fredrdy.

Once I got ready, I texted my friends Nat and Brooke to tell them I will pick them up in 10 minutes and then headed downstairs. I quickly kissed my mum goodbye, grabbed an apple and headed outside to my 2014 red BMW convertible. I was already running late and I can't afford to be late or else Mr. Ford, our principle, will give me an after school detention which I don't have the time or patience for.

My first stop was Nat's house. Natalie Sanchez has been my bestfriend before I became popular. She, like me, comes from a wealthy family. She was a lonely girl too, in elementary school. Her parents both being doctors had no time for her so she was always, like me, lonely. Our common feeling of being lonely is what brought us together and once we found out we have so much more in common we bonded.

"Hey Em" Nat said as she threw her bag to the backseat and climbed into the passenger, "You excited?" She knew about the whole ordeal with Luke Chadwick and knew exactly that i was NOT excited.  But Nat being Nat, loved to push my buttons.

"I'm so excited.  Oh my god I can't believe his is back. Luke Fricken Chadwick. *fake squeal*" I replied in the most fake voice i could do.

"Ahahah you crack me up Em. I know that deep inside you are ecstatic that he returned and that as soon as you see him you like everyone else would squeal"

"Shut up before I throw you out. I will not nor never will squeal for him or anyone." As I said this, I began to approach Brooke's house. "Don't talk about him near Brooke. Or else I have to put up with the fan girling before necessary."

As soon as Brooke got in we headed to school on the way talking about everything but Luke. Surprisngly Brooke was able to go 5 mins without mentioning once. She most likely saw my mood before she got in and didn't want to be the one that coped the anger in me.

When we arrived at school, like I expected, the only thing that everyone was talking about was the almighty Luke Chadwick. Great I will be in a fowl mood all day thanks to him.

Just as i was about to walk. The squealing began. I did not need to turn my head to guess who just arrived at school. The headache that was now forming was a clear indication of who it was.

Luke Chadwick had just arrived in his red Ferrari and the only thing going through my head was that today is going to be a long day.


A/N: Thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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