12. Interrogations

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Sitwell walked in HYDRA facility escorted by a few agents through the long halls. His forehead was damp with sweat. It didn't take long for Pierce to find out about his little chat with Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. Needless to say he was shaking with fear at the thought of what would happen to him.

"Stop" an agent command grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back harshly. Another agent stepped towards a big metal door and insterted a code in a screen

"Access granted" a voice echoed in the hall as a green light emitted from the small screen

"Get in" the agent ordered pushing him in

Sitwell glanced around swallowing slightly as his eyes landed on the man sitting on chair in the front of the room but his fear increased as another figure appeared next to the man's side

"Glad you could join us" Pierce said as he pulled out a cigar. He calmly smoked without a care in the world. Sitwell gulped as his gaze met cold piercing brown eyes that stared at him watching his every move.

"I believe you had a conversation with certain....friends of mine ...care to share" Pierce spoke making Sitwell tare his eyes from the woman

"S-sir I was under pressure, t-they we're going to kill me" he said shakingly 

"What did you tell?" Pierce pressured

Sitwell gulped avoiding his gaze

"I told them about the Helicarriers" he confessed

Pierce served himself a drink

"Do they know?" he asked calmly

Sitwell remained quiet

Pierce glanced at the woman meeting her eyes, with a nod of his head the woman turned towards Sitwell immediately making him gasp in pain

Pierce zipped on his drink

"Bloodbending, our newest upgrade, you like it?" He asked casually as Sitwell fell to the ground with a small thud. He stood from his chair and with a small wave of his hand the woman's gaze slightly softened making it immediately stop.

"Talk" Pierce said

"S-sir I beg you, they we're goin-g to kill me-me if I didn't speak- I would never betray you-" his excuses were cut short as Pierce threw his glass on the ground shattering it close to Sitwell's head

"Do they know?" He asked coldly

Sitwell swallowed harshly "Yes" he said almost inaudibly

"Oh Jasper" Pierce said sighing in defeat, "I liked you, I really did" he said rubbing his forehead.

"You know what to do" he said with a glance to the woman whom smirked at the words

His pleas we're ignored as he made his way out and the sound of his screams fading as the door shut.

Pierce inhaled happily "Prepare everything" he ordered to the agents who awaited outside

"It's time for the Nemesis to make her appearance" he said with a wicked smile

//I liveeee! Sorry for not updating, my brain is useless, anyway here I am. Also I am planning on writing another Tony Stark daughter book, in which Tony isn't an asshole and he's a great dad, it will include him taking care of a baby and all that. Would anyone be willing to read it?//

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