My Favorite Driver

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I took a sip of my coffee, lavishing in the way the dark notes and the sweet cream tasted on my tongue. I hummed in delight, feeling like this cup of joe could solve all of my problems, or at least, help me face today.

"How's my favorite girl doing?" I smiled behind my coffee mug when William Byron came into the break room at HMS. He belined right towards me, grabbing a banana and muffin from the basket and joined me at the coffee machine.
"Better now that my favorite driver is here." William and I have been flirting endlessly over the last few weeks. Each of us taking it further and further.
"I am your favorite, aren't I?" He winked, moving in closer to me so his arm brushed against mine. My heart did a little flip at this gesture and I couldn't help but inwardly swoon.
"You'll always be my favorite," I whispered, looking straight at him, hoping and praying he was gathering what I was implying.
"Here that, Bowman? I'll always be her fave." My back straightened and I quickly turned around. I had no idea we weren't alone. I didn't even hear Alex come into the break room. I was suddenly so embarrassed.

I looked over at Alex, he stood there in the doorway with an unreadable expression on his face as his eyes darted between Byron and myself.

"Hey, Alex, I made muffins," I pointed to the basket on the table, "and the coffee is hot." I held my mug up like the idiot that I was. I felt so stupid for flirting with William in front of his teammate. I know better than that, and besides, I hardly know Alex, he seemed to always keep to himself.

"Thank you, Brynn, you always bake the best stuff." I smiled at his compliment, I didn't even know he knew I was the one who always brought in the sweets, I usually never tell anyone.
"I should probably get to work, I have a few deadlines to meet before the end of the day." I looked over at William who was giving me a wide smile. I breathlessly said goodbye and began walking out of the break room as fast as I could.
"Wait, are you going to the fall festival tonight?" I spun on my heels, turning back to look at Alex, he looked hopeful, like he was hoping I would say yes.
"Oh? I wasn't planning on it? I mean, I'm not into the whole haunted hayride thing and I really don't want to go by myself since everyone else I know going is bringing their families or their significant other."
"Would you go if I invited you?" My heart stopped beating in that moment. William looked at me through his lashes with a small smile on his lips.
"Are you asking me?" I breathed out, trying my best to not freak out.

William looked at Alex, both of them having a wordless conversation and before I could think of what that meant, Byron was walking up to me. "Yes, I'm asking you to the fall festival tonight. It will be fun, just you and I, we can just hang out by the bonfire, what do you say?" William cock his head to the side and it took all I had to stand on my own two feet.

"Yeah, okay, I'll go."
"Perfect," William reached out, placing a piece of my hair behind my hear, "I'll see ya tonight then."
"See ya!" I watched as William disappeared out of the door and in that moment, I did a little swirl, and then stopped dead in my tracks.

I forgot Alex was still in the break room with us. I completely forgot he was the one asking if I was going tonight.

"Welp, I guess I'll see ya tonight then?"
"Yeah, I guess so." I could hear something in his voice, but I couldn't pinpoint on what it was. I shook my head, walking out of the room and towards my office.
"Hey, Brynn?" I turned around to where Alex stood by the elevators, waiting for it to take him wherever he was going. "Just be careful."

I went to ask him what he was talking about, but it was too late. The elevator ding and in a heartbeat he was gone. My phone buzzed in my back pocket just then, I pulled it out and smiled, completely forgetting what Alex just said to me.

Willy B.: I can't wait until tonight ;)

If this text was anything to go by, I was going to have a magical night. I couldn't wait!

My Favorite Driver // Alex BowmanWhere stories live. Discover now