Chapter 5: She's different

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*DUGEUN DUGEUN*, Gongchan's heart still beats fast after that very brief that meeting with Her.

His heart wont stop in jumping with glee. For already a year he has only looked at Miyun from the sidelines. The young boy has always been envious of his friend Baro who get to talk to her everyday without anyone minding it. Well one guy does and that's Gong Chanshik.

"Hey!" Jinyoung smacked his shoulders bringing him back to reality.

"Uhh Let's go?" He asks still a little flustered.

"Uhh yeah Im hungry already! I wanna go home! " Sandeul said pushing Gongchan to his car's direction.

Gongchan had already drove Jinyoung and Sandeul home. CNU asked to be dropped off at the Mall after them, So its just him and Baro left inside his car.

"Gongchan?" Baro said.

"Yes Hyung?" Gongchan answered his eyes on the road.

"Uhmm I know this is not me to ask but how do you tell a girl that you like her?"

The question took Gongchan off guard and almost got into a accident.

"Watch out!!" Baro yelled clinging on to his seatbelt for dear life.

"Sorry Hyung!"Gongchan then stopped his car at the sidewalk. There were just many things going through his head.

Hyung likes someone. Could it be? Oh no! Please don't let it be Miyun! I already have a slim chance at her at it is. They're friends and seems close aswell. Ughh! He didn't notice that he was scratching his head furiously that made the older male at his side stare in shock.

"Are you OK O.O?" Baro asked inching closer to the door beside him, afraid of what's going to happen next.

"I'm fine Hyung... I was just..." He then started the car back and drove. His heart is pounding but he needs to know if his Friend will become his enemy.After a few minute just driving he asked to break the complete silence between them.

"So Hyung... What was it that you asked earlier? " Gongchan asked after breathing heavily.

"Oh That! I was just asking how to let a girl know that you like her." Baro asked sheepishly his ears turning pink.

"Why? do you like someone? Who? "
Please don't let it be Miyun.

"Uhh you know her... she's a friend of mine." Shit! It maybe is her!

"Is it Miyun-ssi?" Gongchan asked heavily his voice somewhat cracking. His grip became tight at the stiring wheel scared of what Baro his good friend might say.

"Hahahahahaha What?! Miyun? NO! Hahahahahaha" Baro laughed out loud wipping the small tears in his eyes. "Where did you even get that idea? Me? Liking Miyun? Well yeah as a friend but like-like her? Uhh No."

Gongchan breathed out a big sigh of relief and bits his lips to hide the smile forming in his face. Hearing those made him at ease. Thinking that one of his bestfriend might become his enemy frightens him.

"So who is it that you like hyung?" He asked quite to happily. Whooh! I can now calm down..

" Ughh Nevermind.. I dont think I have a chance at her.. and besides were already here, just park near the gate." Baro then went out and gave him a small wave as he went inside his house. As mean as it sounds but Gongchan doesnt even care if Baro didnt finish what he was saying as long as it wasnt Miyun who he likes.

Gongchan can still vividly remember the first time his heart beated after a very mysteriously beautiful girl he saw.

It was on one summer afternoon when his mom asked him to pick up some grocery at the mall. Bumped up he went to the mall annoyed at the mere idea of him buying groceries. As he walked inside CNU's Family mall, there was no doubt that some girls were checking him out as he walked by.

Hungry he went inside one of their restaurants located inside the mall. Their family were both business partners.The employees immediately recognized him and ushered him to one of the tables. After saying his order he just sat there waiting. A few sound of clicks -clearly of a camera- got his attention. It came from the Four girls sitting in one table across him. He gave them a small smile which made them squeal. Gongchan is already used to this happening everytime he goes outside.

Two girls then enterned the restaurant. He recognizes one of them for she was a friend of Baro, one of his friend. The other one though looked familiar to him. He cant see her face clearly because of her friend was blocking her from Gongchan's view.

His order still hasnt arrived. Grrrr His stomach grumbled. What's taking the food so long? With a small sigh he just a

The two girls grabbed a seat on a table beside him for two. Baro's friend was sitting on the seat parallel to his while her friend was sitting on the seat infront. Now, Gongchan finally saw her face. All of a sudden he cant feel his hunger anymore.

No, she's not that pretty if your curious. She has this slightly wavy hair that falls over her shoulders, deep dyed with blue color that brings out her eyes. She doesnt look like the model type like most of his schoolmates BUT there is something about her that makes Gongchan cant help but stare. He didnt mean to but he caught the two's conversation.

"The food here is really good. Baro once brought me here. I should know." The one wearing a blue top- which is Lianne- said.

"So... you guys already ate here? And just the two of you?" The *ehem* pretty one-what Gongchan would describe Miyun-said wriggling her eyebrows.

"Uhh No! Its not like what you are thinking! We are just friends. Bestfriends to be exact and to make it clear. I paid for my part of the meal" Lianne said with her arms crossed.

"You dont have to be so defensive about it *giggles* Arasso... If you say your just friends then okay.." Miyun said laughing for evem though Lianne put up an angry expression her flushed face reveals it to be otherwise.

Her smile makes her look even more prettier. Wait! I heard Baro Hyung's name! Do they know each other?? O.O

"Uhmm excuse me Sir, Here's your order. Sorry for the long wait, there were small problems in the kitchen and the Head Chef apologizes for that" The waiter said which reeled him back to reality.

After eating for a few minutes and casually glancing at the other table he was done. So was the two girls. They parted ways after that but still Gingchan cant get her off his mind. The way she smiles and there was something aboit her that was different than the usual type of girls he usually see. Mind on the cloud, He forgot what he was suppose to do at the mall and went back home empty handed.

So basically that is where he first seen Miyun but he didnt had the chance to say even a small 'Hi' to her until today. With more confidence Gongchan will definitely have a full conversation with her one of these days. That is what he thought of as he parked his car inside their estate.

No matter what her status in life is I will definitely man up and talk to her on Monday!

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