No More Distractions

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While we eat, I allow my feelings to surface. I tell Cane everything that happened. My shitty day, my shitty boss, my brother's concerns. In the end, I can tell that Cane was still absorbing everything. By now, we were done with our pasta. He had me sit in his lap, while he pressed an ice pack against my bruise. He was quiet, but a very good listener.

"Don't hate me for saying this, but I can see where your brother is coming from. He is your big brother. I'm sure he feels responsible for your health and happiness. To see you like this must be hard on you both."

I let out a soft sigh. "I know he means well. But I don't want to be supported by others my entire life. My mother doesn't exactly like me, if you couldn't tell. I wouldn't put it past her to rub it in my face 50 years from now, if I did say yes."

Cane presses his lips to my shoulder. I lean back into him, closing my eyes for a few moments. There is a peaceful silence between us. It doesn't feel awkward at all, it feels natural.

Soon, Cane's phone goes off. I open my eyes to watch him pull it out of his pocket, and look at the caller's name. Vex is the one who is trying to get a hold of him. I expect Cane to answer, but he turns his phone off instead, putting it back into his pocket.

I know that he and Vex are not strangers. Vex speaks highly of Cane, seems overprotective in numerous ways. I have recognized the possibility of them being "a thing" sometime in the past. Vex definitely acts like an ex, so it would only make sense. But I can't make assumptions. I met the guy just yesterday. Although it was too early for me to form an opinion of him, I know he has already formed one of me. He made it abundantly clear.

"I'll eat you." 

It makes me wonder...if he means it literately.

My thoughts slowly drift off, the grip around my waist becoming snug. I turn to see that Cane is looking at me with large puppy eyes. His ears are out, standing high and turned outward. It gives him a pouty look, like a dog dying for attention. His tongue pokes through his lips, lapping the spot behind my ear. His breath is hot, and his tongue dampens my fur.

My ears begin to pin back, and my face turns flushed. His tongue moves gradually to the front of my ear, where my fluffy tuffs stick out. They also lay flat, his slobber wetting it completely.

Dogs don't normally groom like this. So I know he is doing this specifically to give me special affection. Eventually, he stops, but now his tail wags vigorously. I can hear him let out a doggy whimper, nuzzling into my neck.

"..No more distractions. Can we finish what we started? Please..?" 

He was talking about the night of our date. Things got rather heated, but before we could go any further, we were interrupted. Here, with just the two of us, I can see how it would give the perfect amount of privacy to do something like that. 

"N-not on the couch," I mutter. I recall how compact it was from before. And also, how uncomfortable. I look at Cane, and blush deeply, to a dark red. 

I slowly begin to get up, which makes Cane follow enthusiastically. I hold his hand, taking him down the short hall, and to the only bedroom. Before we get there, Cane is taking off his shirt, leaving a trail of clothes behind us. When we finally reach the room, he is all too eager to help me out of my outfit...

//Sorry, but I'm going to stop here. Next chapter will be a lemon, so heads up!//

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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