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"Without the sun, the moon could never shine. Without the moon, the sun could never rise"

"So...are you my moon, and I am your sun?"

"Yup. Without each other we're nothing"

"Nothing, huh"

Things, like memories and said words, were starting to become more frequent whenever I closed my eyes. They'd start out vivid, then blank. Blank, then back to vivid.

An atrocious cycle, yea. But those are the only things I can remember from my childhood. Everything else didn't matter much. My parents were present, they never left me or died or anything like that. It was just they didn't accept me. Quite like Jimin said about his own parents. They neglected me for who I was, for who I was meant to be. And it hurt. Alot. To the point I had literally removed them from my thoughts. From my memory. It was better to pretend I had no parents if it meant saving myself from such depression that I'd fall into the deepest darkest depths of hell.

To this day I don't speak to them. They don't call either. So we've set a boundary, I guess.


"—up now"


My eyes fluttered open. Radiating sunlight had shone through the curtains, blinding me until I adjusted.

A pair of fingers were caressing my head. Big ass fingers to be exact.

"N-nayeon...", my voice rasped. Her eyebrow rose in a way to question why I called her name. "C-chaeyoung? The guys...?"

Few moments of silence went by, then Nayeon spoke, "She's fine. But the guys, they're being treated at Yoo's hospital", she quietly replied, still caressing my forehead. "Don't worry if you're thinking they snitched on you. Both of them fessed up that they slipped and fell on a banana peel. Or something like that. . ." I chuckled a bit on that last part. Though the throbbing in my head cut it short.

The sheets wrapped around me hung off the bed as I sat up. Nayeon watched with careful eyes when I started moving.

"You need to rest more. Lay down", her hands tried to push me down but I held them back.

"Not tired. And I'm fine", I drawled and she stopped. Our eyes met, staring into what could be mistaken for anger. But it was just confusion. Confusion on how the events that have unfolded these past few days had even occurred. Or why they occurred. "About Jihyo...", I finally said to break silence. "That guy, Yoongi, was the one she was engaged to"

Nayeon didn't say a word, only looking in a way I assume is a cue to keep talking. So I continue. . .

"Jihyo was a childhood friend of mines. Her name used to be Jisoo though. Beautiful name regardless how she chooses to be identified, really". A lump causes my throat to go dry. " Things kinda fell of when we were kids. She and I were bestfriends, but all of that disappeared when she left one day. Without a reason, without an answer, without a word. And since that day...I guess in a way, I've been looking for her ever since"

Something tugs at my heart when I expose the hidden truth I've been hiding from not only others, but myself included. It feels good to let it out. Even if it hurts like a bitch to do so.

"She was that girl from Jennie's party, right? The one who carried your fatass to that room?", Nayeon said with a chuckle. I nod, a bit embarrassed to remember that moment. "I like her. There was definitely some vibe I felt when I came in, so I figured you two might've had history or she was just some stalker. It had to be one of the two". I rolled my eyes when she laughed. Nayeon never fails to make me feel better. Chaeyoung too, though I wonder where she's at right now.

"By the way, where's Chaeyo—"

Ah, have I summoned her.

"Unnie!!", a cub shouted while running towards me with open arms. "You look beat up but still so pretty!", her cheeks smothered my own as she whined like the kid she is. I laughed and smile thanks to her energy.

"Chaeyoung, she's already injured, don't injure her more you floof". The familiar voice emerged from the doorway, her hands crossed along chest, a smirk to her lips. "Glad to know you're alive, bimbo. Life wouldn't be the same without you", Mina sends a smile my way as another figure, then another, and another come strolling behind her.

"Y/N!", shouted Tzuyu, Momo, and Sana. The three of them came dashing to my side, pushing Chaeyoung away so they could hug me as well.

"H-hey guys", I chuckled when they each gave me a hug.

"Ugh! Had I known some rude ass dudes were attacking you, I would've gave them the old Osaka punch!", Sana pretended she was jabbing something, though accidentally hitted Momo on her shoulder.

"Watch it you squirrel!", Momo hissed while rubbing her arm. Everyone laughed and so too did Momo.

"Gals", Nayeon announced and we look to her. "As you all know, Y/N isn't the brightest thing to come out of rainbows and sunshine", she snickers while everyone chuckles. I glared at her and she pretended to be frightened. "But knowing that, there's something that I—I mean we, can help her with"

They all look at each other confused, except Nayeon and Chaeyoung who already know whats up.

"Help her with what?" Sana questioned, tilting her head. 

I was deciding to tell her but Chae fumbled first.

"To get Y/N's woman back!", Chae fistpumped the air. "YEEHAW!"

"Mina come collect yer mans'", said Tzuyu who shook her head like a disappointed father with his child.

"Correction, womans'", Mina chuckled while pulling Chae to give her a back hug. My lil cub has grown so much. Very proud. Much so.

A little tear threatened to fall when I looked at everyone here. They all were supporting me. Accepting me for who I am. Was that too much to ask from my own parents?

I don't hate them, I'm just disappointed and hurt. . .

Over the chatter, someone's phone rings. It catches all our attention.

"Ah, that's me", Nayeon said before getting up and walking over to grab her phone on the desk. She answers it and says a few words, but then it gets silence. Her smile from earlier now hid behind a frown. Chest heaving ever so more erratically than usual. "SHE DID WHAT!"

▶ = ◀

Doubley updatey bc i am positive midterms will hold me up so i'm passin out chaps like free A's. A's that i wish my teachers werent so uptight about giving away. Like dam i got dogs to feed and chickens to send to college >:(

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