
20.9K 911 45

Venice, Italy.

The past few days were so good. I'm loving this trip. He is normally talking to me. I noticed one thing when Aisha's things are not around him. He is comfortable with me. He is bipolar sometimes. But now as a time passes I'm used to it. We took lots of gifts for our family. Shopping and eating.
One more thing, Arhaan loves food.

I was making braid of my hair, my eyes widened as I see Arhaan from mirror, I can feel butterflies in my stomach. Suddenly I was all red. Ya rabbi, because he was only wearing track pants. Wet messy hair, I could see his perfect built body, his six abs. How can be someone so hot. He was busy searching his t-shirt in his bag. I closed my eyes immediately.

What happened to you Zehna? It's okay he is your husband. Still no control.
I groaned.

"Abbu, let'sh play in shwimming pooshl." Ayaan, says.

I still closed my eyes.

"Mumma, why are you closhing yoush eyesh?" Ayaan asked me.

"Because she-" I cut him off.

"Arhaan!!!" I said, loudly.

I opened my eyes. Oh crap! He is still shirt less. I closed my eyes again immediately..

Arhaan laughed, oh my my he sounds beautiful.

I can feel, Arhaan take my hand and I was following him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him closing my eyes.

"Open your eyes then you will know it." He said.

"Come Ayaan." He said him too.

Washroom? What?

I feel water fall on me. I opened my eyes. Bathtub was filled with water, Arhaan make Ayaan seat there, Ayaan start playing. My hair was opened.

"You have a beautiful long hair." Arhaan winked.

What the jahanum? What's happening!

Ayaan splash water on my face.
Arhaan laughed, and they splash together.

"You both!!" I said, loudly.

"But Abbu, I shaid you shwimming pooshl." Ayaan pout.

"Ayaan, it's so deep." Arhaan says softly.

In another min, shower was on.

I looked up, all water drops on my face. Then I feel hand holding my waist. I gulped, my heart was hammering in my chest. I was all red and blushing. He pulled me closer to him from back, his grip was so tight. I turn and look at him. His eyes was shining, his lips curled in half smile.
My hand was on his bare chest.
I hugged him tightly, his lips touched my neck. I can feel Goosebumps all over my body.

Ya Allah, don't Arhaan please.

"Mumma." Ayaan, said loudly.

I immediately pulled Arhaan away. He bit his lip and closed his eyes.

Yes! He is regretting.

He turned off the shower, walked out of the bathroom..

“Ayaan, come.” I said and take him in my arms.

I changed Ayaan clothes.

Arhaan, enter in room after changing his clothes.

I take my another bag, as my first bag clothes I gave in laundry. And start searching my clothes all I found those sleeveless, short dresses. Shit! I gave this bag to mumma and Aliyah for packing as I was busy in Ayaan.

I sighed.

I look at Arhaan, he raised his right eyebrow.

"I was busy in Ayaan, and mumma Aliyah packed this bag." my eyes teared up.

He came and checked bag.

"Wait." He says.

I node my head, did he bring Aisha's clothes here too?

He gave me his t-shirt and short pants.

I changed in bathroom.

His t-shirt was so loose, and his short pants It was exposing my legs from calf.

How can I enter in room like this?

"Mumma, I want to shleep." Ayaan says loudly.

He was sleepy.

"Zehna, he will not sleep without you." Arhaan says.

"Arhaan, this clothes are uncomfortable." I said, irritatingly.

"Okay, I closed my eyes. Now you can come." He says.

I enter, slowly. He was closing his eyes. So cute!

I jump on bed, cover my legs with blanket.

"Wow, mumma you look beautiful in abbu's clothes." Ayaan said.

I blushed.

Arhaan opened his eyes.

I was telling stories to Ayaan and running my hand through his hair.

"Today, we have lots of fun. Haina?" Ayaan asked.

"Shushh, sleep." I whispered.

I close my eyes.

Arhaan pulled my hair strand behind
My ears.

"What happened Arhaan?" I asked closing my eyes.

"You are so beautiful." He says, huskily.

Control Zehna control Zehna.

He chuckled.

"What?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

Then his hand move to my neck.

"Don't do this, you will regret." I said closing my eyes.

He removed his hands.


I was waiting for my clothes, Ayaan was sleeping.

"Ayaani, get up. I'm bored." I said.

Arhaan hand me packet of my clothes.

"My baby is not your entertainer." He says. And rolled his eyes.

"Then you can be for me." I winked.

His sneezed. I slapped my forehead.

From my bag I took out flucold medicine and hand him.

"Take this." I ordered.

"Get ready, soon this trip going to end. We will going back to home. Day after tomorrow." He says.

I nod my head.

I'm gonna miss everything here. I'm falling for someone who will never love me. But I remembered, how his one touched set my body on fire.

I prayed Isha, and I raised my hands for Dua.

Ya Allah, do something. Give me sabr. It's getting hard day by day. Give him strength to move on...
Ya Allah, please forgive us.

The tears pooled down, I wipe my hands over my face.
My eyes met his green painful eyes.

"Ask Allah, he will give you everything, whatever you want." I said him giving Jai Namaz.

"He already have my everything with him." He says, tears filled in his eyes.

My tears touched my cheeks.

"You have Ayaan." I said him.

"But still, I feel so incomplete."

I hugged him, but he didn't hug me back.

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