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“Aunty (Arhaan's mom) please calm down, I Know they are coming after long time.” I said her... shaking my head dramatically.

“Mummmmmmaaa!!Bhaiya bhabhi and ayaani will be here anytime!! Be ready.” Aliyah shouted.

I rolled my eyes.

“Everything is perfect..” I said, irritatingly.

I heard horn sound.

I smiled and walk towards gate..
Already, aunty and uncle was waiting for him.

Arhaan stepped out from car, wearing casual sweatshirt solid grey color hoodie, and blue jeans.

Driver opened the another door, bhabhi(Zehna) stepped out from car wearing abaya..then she take Ayaan in her arms. Arhaan walked to them, and Take bhabhi's hand in his hand.

Finaaalllyyy!!! I was craving to see him happy like this.

They walk to us happily, bhabhi eyes widened as she saw Aliyah, she leaves Ayaan's and Arhaan's hand and ran to hug her. Ayaan hugged uncle and Arhaan Salam aunty, then hugged her tightly. Aunty was crying happily.
Alhumdulillah, Happiness was back to home.

“I missed you more!!” Arhaan says to aunty smiling.

He turned to me and hugged me.

“Asalamualaikum.” I said.

“Walaikumasalam janab, Kheriyath? (How are you)” He asked me.

I can feel happiness in his voice.

“I'm good, alhumdulillah.” I said.

Bhabhi met her mom too.

Her mom was so emotional, after all she is meeting her after long time.

“Zafar chachu!!!” Ayaan shouted and jump on me as I sat on my knees.

“Wow champ. say that again.” I said, teasingly.

Everyone laughed.

“Zshaafar chachu.” Ayaan fired back.

We laughed.

“You are still so naughty.” I said him, pulling his cheeks.

Bhabhi and Arhaan was talking with their eyes.

I cleared my throat.

Bhabhi looked away.
Arhaan glared at me.

‘What?’ I mouthed at him.



I met everyone today, after long time. They all are so happy. That I really want to jump in happiness right now. My Ammi was happy seeing us. (Arhaan me, Ayaan) I'm living my dream, Alhumdulillah.

I was walking to our room, I saw Aisha's room too. I smiled, he didn't came Here first. Then I opened the door of our room, it's painted blue and purple color. Because blue is my favorite and purple is his favorite. Our bed is now in princess style, hung dome.  There is our(Arhaan, me, Ayaan) frame on the wall. I exhaled, placing hands on my hips. There was knock on there, I smiled thinking it was Arhaan. But no, it's not his perfume smell.

I turned and face Mumma.
She was smiling happily.

“Oh Mumma, come and seat.” I said, with smile.

We sat on bed.

“Thank you so much Beta, Arhaan--”

“Mumma, say thanks to Allah. He is the one who helped us, to beat our hearts as one.” I said, wiping her tears.

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