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~643 years ago

"Run! We have to leave now!"

A man in a red and silver cloak runs through the Underground, accompanied by two other cloaked Assassins. As an alarm blared out behind them.

"SHIT! They found out! We are going to die!"

A man in a plain red cloak, yelled out to the man in red and silver.

"And it will be your fault! Oh why couldn't we just leave and not literally try and STEAL the ARTIFACT!"

"Look! You didn't have to leave! It was your choice!"

A woman in gray replied.

"Thanks Sasha , but your right Fred we could have JUST ran away ,but then if we steal the artifact then they can't get more people with powers."

The man if front yelled back at the two bickering Assassins.

The man in the red cloak,Fred, scoffed. Gaining another glare from the woman, Sasha.


A group of two Assassins landed in front of the bickering  three.

They skid to a stop , Fred panicking, Sasha getting ready to fight their way out, the man in silver and red cloak recognized the Assassins in front of them.

"Jake? Hanna?"

Both of the assassins hesitated.

"Look Max we don't want to fight, just give up the artifact. Please..."

Hanna begged the man ,Max.

Max shook his head.

"No I can't. Even if I do I ..WE will be killed by the others."

Hanna looks down, knowing the truth in his words, but she has a mission.

"I'm sorry Max, but I have to.."

She tapped into her power to summon a pair of daggers.

Hanna then charged at Max, attacking him with a flurry of stabs.

He jumps away to dodge the daggers. Max then reaches into his cloak to grab a Short sword.

Blocking one stab with his sword , but she caught him on the arm with the other.

Around them, Sasha was fighting Hanna's teammate and Fred was no where to be seen.

Must've fled idiot...

Max thought to himself

"Just hand over the Artifact!"

Hanna advances towards Max, still trying to get out of this with no more fighting.

"NEVER!" Max shouts back.

Charging at Hanna, Max  attacks with his sword.

Hanna summons a shield to block his attacks. But Max uses his power of speed to zip around her, stabbing her side.

Hanna shrieked in pain. But didn't fall.

Filled with determination she turns onto Max and leaps at him, dragging him to the ground.

They tussled on the ground , Hanna bleeding heavily.

As they fought a large pouch on the side of Max's cloak ripped open, revealing a large crystal the size of a large mango. As soon as Hanna saw it she dived towards it. Max tried to push her away, but she grabbed it and pulled it away from him.

Hanna leaped back as it slipped out of her grip and fell on the ground.


As it hit the ground it shattered to two pieces almost hidden by the weeds and grass popping out from the stone brick alleyway road.

The fighting stopped as they looked at the broken Crystal.

"T...the Ar..artifact!.."

Max shook in shock.

He stepped towards it and grabbed one piece, as Hanna grabbed the other.

Hanna's teammate ran over to Hanna and yelled 

"We need to go! If they find us we will be punished no matter who's fault it is!"

Hanna nodded setting down the crystal piece. 

"Let's go..."

They took off running , Hanna glancing back once, before disappearing behind a corner.

Sasha then heard at least 5 people running towards them.


She also started running, as Max follows a second after.

~1 hour later


The leader of Soarta yelled at the messenger

"I..uh..the broken...we only recovered a..a..piece..."

The messenger bowed his head, shaking in fear of the enraged Leader.

The leader just paced silently, making the messenger even more scared of his wrath.

"send all assassins after the traitors...recover the pieces...or you can be punished severely."

He says quietly

"Y..yes s..sir"

The messenger left as soon as he could.

"I will destroy those traitors, if it's the last thing I do..."


Hello! Wither here, I just wanted to note that this is the first one I've done so sorry it sucks. 

So this isn't exactly the first chapter , it's the past so you guys can understand a bit more about what happened 643 years ago that caused the war between Soarta and Kyoten.

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