2- First Wave

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Bea was frozen in fear. The tsunami was coming towards them. It wasn't even slowing down at all. And yet, here she was, completely still and staring at this wave. All around her, people were shouting and running from shore as fast as as they could, but Bea hardly took notice of them. She didn't even see when Conner and Matt had run back to her.

I need to find Dylan! But she knew that right now, she needed to protect these kids. That was her responsibility right now. And yet. . .

She looked down, at their pale faces and wide eyes. Josiah was squeezing her hand and crying , almost as if accepting the fate looming over them all. Even Conner and Matt, who had seemingly hated her just half an hour ago, were holding onto her like she would be the one to save them.

I'm no hero. . . But maybe I can still save them.

"RUN!" She screamed as loud as she could. She didn't know where she had gotten that energy from, but that didn't matter.

Conner and Matt didn't need much convincing to leave, and they charged towards the nearby canopy of green leaves. Pikachu was sitting on Matt's shoulder, and Conner's Croconaw was running right beside them.

Bea didn't waste any more time and rushed into action. She picked up the two boys into her arms, giving Abe Mienfoo's Poké Ball to recall her. Bea ran as fast as she could after Conner and Matt, not once tripping on her own feet.

Even with her quick speed, though, she knew that she wouldn't be able to reach safety in time. . . But she could at least try.

Josiah moved his head slightly to peer over Bea's shoulder, and he suddenly let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Bea turned her head back, only to be met with a wall of water. Bea was thrown to the ground, along with Josiah and Abe. The next thing she knew, her grip on them was pried away. She didn't even notice as her Scorbunny headband was pulled off and her hair began to fly free all around her face.

She struggled, not knowing which way was up and which way was down. The only thing she knew was that she needed to get back to the surface; to get air. But she was spinning so much that she couldn't even see which way she needed to go. Her throat and lungs and eyes burned. She hardly noticed as debris floating in the water scraped against her skin.

Dylan. . . Alli! With one final kick, she propelled herself in a random direction. Immediately her head shot out of the water, and she took several huge gulps of air.

"Dylan!" Bea screamed at the top of her lungs, her throat burning. She didn't care what it took, she needed to find her brother. Luckily he was skilled in swimming. . . But even then, she doubted that he would be able to swim in this kind of current.

All around her was water, with no one or nothing to get help from. She might as well have been thrown off of a boat in the middle of the sea. And yet, she still tried to search for her brother.

"Dylan! Lu!" She turned around, her eyes scanning every which way for any sign of her older sibling's blonde hair or of Hawlucha's crimson feathers. "Dylan! Dyl-"

Her foot caught on something. Either that, or something caught her foot. No matter the case, she was pulled down into the watery depths of the torrent. Waves crashed above where her head had been just seconds before.

I need to. . . keep fighting!

But what was the point?

I'm a fighting master. . !

She sure didn't feel like it. She felt pathetic and useless. Maybe she should just give up. . .

No . . . Alli. . . Dylan. . . I need to. . . Alli.

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