Chapter One: Michael

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I will never forget the the day it happened....when everyone paniced the day, wwhen everyone startd eat one another?.....

My names Michael Jones im am 12 years old and i live in a small house, in new orleans. My dog Buster hes a beagle will do anything for me, me and him are best buds! Even now....

my mum was at the shop when it happened, I was in yard chillin, with Buster. When i heard a scream. Itasnt the average girly, playfull scream. It was scream out of fear!... Buster growled i calmed him reasuringly. I told him too stay and slowly walked to the gap in the fence and peered through. A girl around my age was on the road. A strange man was almost what looked like kissing her or hugging? But she was trying to push him away. He looked strange, he had what looked like food, stuck in his teeth, or something?  And his face was bloody and cut... She was struggleing..I opened the gate and walked upto him and said, "Leave her alone?"

The man stumbled and looked up slowly...he glared at me his eyes glistened eviley. I stepped back. The girl admedietley said thanks and ran off. The man slowly stumbled towards me, making strange sounds, I fell over something, and fell to the ground. He tried to grab me his mouth watering. Blood spluttered from his lips and stained my white shirt.I kicked him in face and got up uickly The man snarled at me and chased me. I grabbed a stick, nearbye and swung! The man head came clean off! I whistled to buster, who came running. and we legged it.

chapter 2

Me and buster had finally stopped running after two blocks, and the whole way there we hadnt seen anyone. Buster nuzzled my leg. I looked up into the sky. Sun was setting! We  had to find somewhere safe away from those things?

We had been searching for an hour and nowwhere seemed safe enough or secrure enough! So i climbed a tree with buster in my arms. When suddenly, someone whistled to me. I looked around to find a girl, belo me she beckond me towards her. She walked away. I followed with buster at my side.

Chapter 3:

The girl was very pretty she had long,  Brown hair and she was tanned (probaly from california!) she was wearing a white tight top, balck skinny jeans, black leather jacket and black converse all star. she ws around my age and had ed lipstick on and dark eye makeup. she smiled and took me down a alley. it was almost dark! we finaly reached a normal looking house. she took me to the yard behind it, Was a treehouse. up high in a tree hidden. She climbed the ladder. I followed with buster. The entrancewas alrge with ablue curtain hung above it. The girl pulled down, to cover the door after i had moved. I looked around, In the right hand corner next to the door, was a desk with a chair, on the desk were lots of pens and pencils, and aboveit was a map, not a normal one though, Most of the countries were coloured in with a red marker.

"Whats this?" I asked

"Thats everywhee that we know of where the diesease has hit! " She said, Informativley.

"Oh! Oh my god!"  I said, shockingley.

"Yep, Were you from kid?"

"Here, I was born here! what about you?"

she laughed! "Californina me, but the others are from Florida!"

"The others?"

"Oh yeah! the others my friends! they should be back soon!"

"Why? Where are they?"

"Looking for more food?"

"Where? And whats those things! Whats happened?"

"Look kid, where busy trying to survive! Stop asking questions and calm the fuck! down"

I looked at the oppisite corner from the desk. There were Bunk beds, but not normal bunk beds, They had three beds. And a ladder. Next to that was a sofa with loads of magazines on the floor. Then next to the door near the sek was a crate, of food. All diffrent kinds: Chocalate, Jam, Bread, chips, french fries, burgers, fruit, peanuts and A huge bottle of warm cola. Christa saw me snooping around, She said, "You want some food?"

I looked at her, kindly and smiled.

"Well take some, not all of it but some! Then you better get some sleep."

So i took four blocks of chocalte and a large swig on cola. Then i yawned and Curled up on the bottom bunk of the bed. And fell asleep.

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