Chapter3: The Lesson of a lifetime

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"Hhah, Wee the Converse all star club!" laughed Annie

"Yeah thats so cool!" Said kate smileing sweetly. Even though she was the same age as the others, she swas smaller and acted like she was four years younge. In a good way :) But she was very, very bossy!

"We have to Find some food! Or were gunna starve !" Shouted Kate. They all stopped joking around and stred at the ground.This way of life wasnt right! Why? What were those things? ....... It seems as christa know what he was thinking! "But michael donst know what the walkers are!"

"Really? Could you be that dumb?" Said Kate!

"Guys shut up!! Michael, you know that scienctist guy was trying to find a cute for cancer?" Said Annie, kindly.

"Um, you mean that Watley!" I said, I knew that guy he was always on adverts on tv, trying to find cures. And last week an advert was on that said he had found the cure for cancer.

"Good!  A man volounteared for him to test it out on him! Test subjects 013, was his name. He had it done and he was fine then he went to home and started eating his children and his nieghbours That was monday!"

"Oh my god!" I said. That stupid Mr.watley!!!!

"Yh i know right its only Thursday! And half of the world is contaminated by that disease!" Said christa.

So we  set off back trough the woods and through that small Alley! With Christa at the frront! Kate was behind her whispering facts to her and where to go! Then me and Annie were at the back. She was breathing heavily!!.......

"Its okay!" I whispered to her.

She lookd at me she was panicing! "No its not those things are gunna eat us! There gunna kill us!"

I stopped and hugged her reasuringly. "Sssshhh!"

"Phhssseeepphh!" Christa beckoned us forward. So we followed her hand in hand. We al hid behind the wall and christa peerred round it then whispeed "Theres five walkers! But dont shoot"Christa gave them each a weapon. Each of them would kill a zombie much sower than a gun, But much quiter so it wouldnt attract more! Christa had a spade, Kate had a Lamp!Annie had a metal pole and I had a baseball bat! "On my single split up! Annie with me! Kate with Michael! Kill the walkers then Run to that office buiding over there to the right! Okay!" Ordered Christa.I would of prefered to be with Christa or Annie because They are better fighters than kate!  But there was no time to argue!..............

Christa nodded and ran off. Annie smiled at me and followed her! I waited for abit.....

Then i ran off to see. Kate stood in  the road in shock, crying! Annie was Hitting a zombie  to death! And christa had already killed two and was running to her next victim! I noticed a Zombie was wandering silently upto Kate.  She didnt notice. I ran and swung the bat.. And hit the zombie on the back! Kate screamed. I was sweating I Repeatedley hit the zombie! Until it was dead. I had noticed that Christa and Annie had gone! I had learnt my lesson! Killa zombie before t kills You!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2012 ⏰

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