Part 2

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Damon's POV

I woke up abruptly to the sound of heavy rock music blasting in my brother's room, I yawned and glanced over at the clock. I groaned from exhaustion, it was time to get up and get to school. I didn't sleep well last night, I was off worrying about too many things. I dreaded starting my last year of high school. I needed this year to fly by so I can start the rest of my life. Stefan was just starting tenth grade and it meant I only had one year left to keep him out of trouble in school and pull his head out of his ass. He was a really smart kid, smarter than I ever was in school but he gave up caring about it. I knew I could manage myself and my life after many years of working on myself but it's not easy convincing someone else to care. I threw on some black pants and a navy shirt. I ran around grabbing my things so I wouldn't be late. I walked out into the hallway and knocked on my brother's door.

"Stef?" I said opening the door to see my little brother sound asleep. I was blown away by his ability to sleep through anything. I switched off the music and grabbed his arm but nothing was working. I looked over at the nightstand and saw a glass of water. A smirk appeared on my face as I grabbed the glass and poured it on Stefan.

"What the fuck Damon!" He yelled, jumping up and got in my face.

I put my hand up to let him know to back off. "Simmer down Stefan and get ready for school." I demanded, leaving him in the room soaking wet.

"Thanks a lot asshole." Stefan said as I walked out of the room, I heard the door slam.

I went downstairs and looked around to see if there was any sign of my mother. I really wasn't surprised not to heard from her again. She's been in and out of our lives for the last two years. My brother and I are all each other really has left. Which is why I worry so much about Stefan and his bad attitude. I understood it, I once was as miserable as he is now. Our father being in prison has caused the whole family a lot of hurt. All of our relatives have distanced themselves with us because of all that mess he's made. Most of the town refuses to knowledge us. One more year of this and Stefan and I are escaping this town. I wanted to start a new life. I didn't care to be somewhere I wasn't wanted. I know when were away from this town that has been filled with bad memories we can both thrive.

Stefan and I pulled into the school parking lot and he jumped out of the car immediately to meet up with the cheerleaders. It was typical of him but I didn't care as long as he wasn't treating the girls like shit. The town was pretty judgmental when it came to my brother and I but the kids in school didn't care much. I think a lot had to do with the way I acted out when I was younger. I was a a pretty big jackass back then. Anyone that picked on Stefan or I for our father's mistakes, I would fight them. It wasn't the best use of my time but at least we don't have to deal with it anymore.

I got inside and took in my surroundings. The last time I had to have a first day of school. It was wild to me to think about how close I was to dropping out a number of times. I made it this halls crawled with freshmen trying to figure where they were going. I went to my old homeroom teacher's classroom to visit him before class had begun. Mr. Saltzman was my history teacher and I really looked up to him. When I was a freshmen he was one of the influences in my life that shaped me into the man I was today. I owed so much to him and he's been helping me get through to Stefan. I don't think I would have made it through high school without his help and guidance.

"Alaric?" I said as I walked into the empty quiet classroom, unlike the halls.

Alaric stood up and greeted me with a smile. "Damon, good to see you!" He exclaimed, patting me on the back.

"It's really good to see you too Rick. How was your summer?" I asked him and watched his face light up with joy.

Mr. Saltzman pulled out his phone and showed me pictures of him and his girlfriend. "I asked to my girlfriend Jenna to marry me a few weeks ago." He said proudly. "We're getting married soon enough."

I smiled and gave him a high five. "Wow! That's amazing, Congratulations!" I knew he was really happy and he deserved to be.

"Thanks, It's been a really good summer." Alaric bragged about how amazing Jenna was and how I was going to love her. "How have things been with you and Stefan?" His excitement turned to concern quickly.

I sighed. "It's been rough keeping him in line but he's better than I was." I thought about the previous years of destruction.

Alaric chuckled. "That's pretty damn good than." We both knew it would be pretty hard for someone to top my track record.

I cracked a smile. "Yeah I suppose." The bell rang and students started to fill the room. "I better go, I'll see you later in class." I said as he nodded his head and I headed out.

I walked down the hallway to get to my homeroom when I noticed a long brown haired girl with the most beautiful golden brown eyes I have ever seen. She was looking like a lost puppy as she stared at her map. I never noticed her before and in this small town everyone knows everyone. She must be new to town. "Hey, do you need help?" I offered as she looked up at me, hopeful.

She smiled softly. "Uh yeah I'm kinda lost." She pulled her hair out of her face and handed me her piece of paper.

I looked down and saw she was with Mr. Saltzman for homeroom. "It's around the corner, first door on the left." I said as I passed the paper back to her.

Our hands touched for a moment, her skin was really soft. "Thanks for the help." She said as our eyes locked.

The second bell rang and a rush of students who were hanging in the hallway till the last second broke our connection and she went off in the direction I sent her. She was really sweet. I ran along to my classroom and managed to make it before I was marked absent.

I scanned the room for familiar faces and rolled my eyes when I notice my ex, Vicky sitting across the room. Vicky and I dated for five months and then she broke my heart by sleeping with my younger brother. It was cruel and sickening for someone to go that low. It hurt that my brother could do that to me but I forgave him. I wasn't going to let her come between my only family. Vicky was always selfish and entitled. I thought she loved me to find out she slept with half the football team while we were still together. I've avoided her ever since. She loves to act like it was my fault the relationship fell apart.

I hoped Stefan was making out okay and not getting himself suspended on the first day like he did last year.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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