Chapter Ten

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AC is pacing inside his room, having hope Grace ran back here. She was gone and he was an idiot. Of course, he should have told her the truth. As he figured out who she really was he should have spoken up about her family or even consulted Silas. He would've known exactly what to do and how to help. Yet here they were, and Grace was gone.

The swung open and AC spun in hopes it was her. Instead Melinoe stood wide eyed and frantic. She was alone, Zacreus not with her like he usually was. She began waving her hands quickly trying to tell him something, but she was moving too fast.

"Slow down, slow down!"

She shook her head and paced herself. Her body moving to show someone running and then screaming. Her hands moving to form claws and eyes angry before swiping at the air. Then it clicked. Grace was running and something was after her. She must be in the woods! One look out the window proved their suspicions as the sky grew darker by the minute. The sun was setting, and they didn't have time. She'll get lost out there or worse like Melinoe was trying to convey.

AC gently moves Melinoe aside before taking off down the stairs and straight to Silas. He sprints across the courtyard to Silas who sat beside the dwindling fire. He seemed deep in thought, but it was too important to not interrupt.

"Silas, its important. Grace ran off into the woods alone. She's not who you think she is, she's the daughter of King Chandler and she just found out her mother is a traitor!" AC's words are rushed, his mind racing a mile a minute. If something happened to Grace, he'd never forgive himself.

"Get Macaria now, I'll have Melinoe track to see where she's headed," Silas spoke with an urgent tone, his calm demeanor dropping by the moment.

AC cut tail and ran for the sparring quarters where he knew Macaria would be. She had her hands above her head, stretching after an intense sparring session. "Quick, grab you weapons and follow me. Grace ran off into the woods, we think she's in danger!"

Macaria scoffed and threw her arms down, "you go get her. I don't owe that Earth girl anything. What of it if she's foolish enough to run off into the woods at night."

"Macaria." Silas's voice boomed with demand as they both quickly turned to bow to him. She quickly grabbed her weapons before they headed in the direction Grace ran, as fast as possible – AC skiting up the trees.

Grace's legs and lung burned as she collapses into the hard ground. She realizes through the hot tears that it's dark and she's lost. Trying to pull herself together she sits back and takes a few controlled breaths. She didn't what way she came from or how to get to Elderon. Through the haze of running she seemed to abandon all thoughts of the path, the face of her mother shooting through her mind's eye.

She still couldn't believe it. After all these years and no one had the guts to just tell Grace the truth. How much more was a lie? A strangled scream ripped from Grace's throat at the frustration and hate she was feeling. She hated her mother for what she's done, she hated AC for lying to her, and she hated herself for believing him. For falling for him! What about Paul? She was just going to let him go and now here she was once again alone and exhausted.

Paul would know if she was missing - if she had run off and gotten lost. She wasn't even sure any of those people would notice or even care that she was out here losing her mind. Grace squeezed her eyes and pushed to her hands and knees. As she was about to attempt the journey back, a low grumble of thunder shook the ground beneath her. It got louder and closer until Grace thought she could feel it in her bones.

That was no thunder. The heavy huff of breath blowing down onto her from far above made Grace freeze completely. She held her breath, not wanting to look behind her. She tilted her head back and saw it large face looming over her. She spun and tried to step back only to trip over a broken log, scrambling to her feet. The terrifying beast was as tall as a building, hunched and two-legged. It's entire being was covered in rough, dark hair that smelt of stale water and something putrid. Its face was like something pulled from nightmares, shaped like an owl with decaying black eyes.

Grace was frozen in complete terror as its groaning, thunder-like voice called to her. "Alone. Alone... tired."

Her eyes felt heavy as the sounds of a hundred windchimes met her ears, her mind beginning to slip away with sleep. She couldn't believe she was this exhausted. All the running and all the crying made her sleepy in the face of death. She wobbled slightly, trying to shake the sleep away. Her body was thrown back before the beast's sharp claws could swipe her, it's groans turning into ear burning wails. She had to clamp her hands over her ears, her daze slipping away as she watched the blur of a man attacking the monster. Blinking away the sleep, she realized it wasn't just any man, it was Silas.

The beast stumbled back with a ground-shaking roar, the sounds of windchimes rash and rapid as it tried to defend against Silas. Then, AC and Macaria appeared each moving to get a few good shots in before Silas delivered the final blow, pushing off the beast and landing on his feet. He was at Grace's side before it finished falling, checking her over and asking if she was okay. He was calm but frantic and completely sincere.

Silas paid no attention to AC and Macaria who stood near them off to the side, AC looking furiously worried and Macaria furiously annoyed. Silas help her up, his hands covered in gloves, the leather cold against hot skin. He let her lean against his body as he led them back to the Gardens, pushing between AC and Macaria. It made sense now, why Silas was the King and just what kind of King he was. Grace was just beginning to understand something. 

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