When you're on your period

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-doesn't know much about it

-but tries to cheer you up

-googles everything

-comes home with 5 boxes of chocolate

-watches a movie with you


-asks you how you feel 24/7

-buys you what you need

-knows surprisingly a lot about it

-cuddles and kisses you a lot

-tries to keep you happy

-cooks for you

-keeps drama away from you

-gives you medicine whenever you complain about your cramps


-makes a lot of jokes about it

-brings you blankets

-doesn't let you get out of bed

-sees you as breakable

-will follow you everywhere

-doesn't let the others touch you

-brings you fast food and sweets

-tries to show you how much of a caring boyfriend he is


-is extra careful around you

-insults other members if they make you feel bad

-asks you what he can do for you

-does whatever you tell him to

-will kiss your cheek constantly

-plays with your hair while cuddling


-knows ABSOLUTELY nothing about it

-is worried that something is seriously wrong

-will do everything to help you after you explained


-brings you all your favorite foods

-watches your favorite movie/series with you until you fall asleep

-tugs you in and kisses your forehead when you do


-tries to cheer you up with memes

-gives you all his positivity

-brings you all the sugar food he can find

-doesn't know much about it

-tries his best anyways

-and he succeeds


-knows about it

-maybe a little too well

-kisses you a lot

-hugs infront of his members

-does everything to make you smile

-gets sad when you scream at him

original thread by @the.kpop.nerd on instagram

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