C H P - 1

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WARNING: There will more than likely be side couples. If you have a problem with that, or if you decide to make a problem in the comment section, your comment will be deleted.


Maybe this is crazy, crazy just to wonder, wonder if there's someone meant for you.





Changkyun could practically hear his friend's loud heartbeat from across the table. He couldn't blame him, though; if he himself had a significant other, he was sure his heart would be doing the same. "Minhyuk, I can hear your heartbeat," he said with a sigh, eyes still pointed towards the world beyond the coffee shop window. His head tilted from its place on his palm as the only thing he got in response was silence. "Honey, that's your cue to make it shut up." He finally forced his gaze away from the rain stained window and looked to his two friends, of who were closer than any normal friends should be.

Then again, they weren't normal friends.

They were boyfriends.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Jooheon rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed Minhyuk's hand. He stood up from the booth, tugging at his significant other. "C'mon, I have to go to the bathroom. You're coming with me."

Satisfaction dripped from Minhyuk's smirk as he too stood up from the booth and nodded. "Alright, then." He looked to Changkyun innocently and shrugged his shoulders, mouthing a quick 'I'll be back' before following Jooheon to the Men's restroom.

The youngest of the group simply shook his head. Why did he even bother going out with his friends if they never actually spent time with him? Was there really a point at all?

He cast has lonely gaze downward, at his cup of coffee, and with his fingers he gripped the straw and swirled it round and round, in a continuous circle. For a second, he almost lost himself to his thoughts, but then he heard a voice.

It was gentle, delicate, and warm, and just for a moment, his heart stopped. He swallowed, throat suddenly dry, and peered upwards, where the voice had came from.

"Are you alright? Is there something wrong with the coffee?"

Air pushed itself out of his lungs in a breathless sigh of wonder. "I..." He had lost his words as the gaze of concerned, hazelnut eyes poured into his own. "Uhm..." He couldn't speak, all he could do was simply look back and forth between the dark pools of emotion. "W-well..." What was it he was feeling? Was it awe? Or was it curiousness?

The worker suddenly smiled, and Changkyun was sure that the male's pink lips didn't need to curl in order to show his smile; the warmth held within his eyes was already enough.

"Ahh, I get it." The employee softly chuckled and gestured to the full glass of coffee. "It's so good that you're speechless, right?" He didn't wait for a response before he continued on, and just the sound of his voice made it seem like the sun had finally penetrated Changkyun's never ending day of rain. "Let me tell you a secret." He brought his lips closer to the male's ear, although it was obvious he wasn't set on actually telling a secret; his lips weren't nearly close enough to the other's ear to cast any breath on his skin. "I made that one." His finger came up to rest before his lips in a gesture of secrecy, and only one of his soft eyes closed with a wink. "Don't tell, alright?"

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