Life in Erudite

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Disclaimer : I don't own Divergent. All rights to Veronica Roth.

I was always a little different.

Sure, I was smart, but that's only because that's what they told me to be. I just didn't fit in with the other Erudite girls.

I close my book and look out of my window, across the field to the Dauntless sector. I should be over there. I should be free.

Instead I sit in my room waiting for my alarm clock to reach 7. Then I can act like I'm awake and go downstairs to see my parents- Sybil and Kevin- and big brother Devin. He's a mere ten months older than me, so when I take the test today so will he.

I'm scared out of my mind.

Suddenly the alarm flashes the bright white lights that signal time to act awake.

I walk over to my closet and pull the string attached to the single light bulb. What should I wear- blue dress or blue shirt?

I hate it here. So does Devin- that's why we're leaving together- well maybe. Last night Devin came into my bedroom to talk to me after hours.

"You hate it here Ansel, I know you do!" He signs.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I reply.

"Promise me something. If you get a different aptitude than Erudite, take it. And promise you'll tell me your result, okay?"

"I'm scared I'm going to be Divergent."

He nodded "Me too."

He grabbed me into a hug and rocked me.

Now after getting changed I open my door and walk the four foot stretch to Devin's room. I knock twice before entering. "Hey Dev." I call out-hopefully loud enough. He appears and signs "Ready".

We walk downstairs and hurry out the door before Mom and Dad make us eat breakfast to "get a good start."

We walk fast to the school hoping to be first so we can get it over with. As we approach we see other teens file in slowly.

Devin holds the door for me and I look around.

There are only four other people there. Two are test administrators- the others are girls from school.

They tug their ears as I walk past them. Devin sticks up a special finger in return and smiles.

"Stop before they report you."

He sits down across from me and waves his hand as a dismissal.

I put my head down to calm my nerves. Dev thinks we're going to be Divergent. I do too. It's not that we're not smart, but we're more than smart.

Devin taps my hand and points to a Dauntless girl- administrator- waving for me.

 I stand and smooth out my shirt as I stand.

I walk into a room full of mirrors and sit in a red leather dentist looking chair.

"What's your name?" I sign to the girl. She looks at me funny then opens the door and waves in my brother also.

Devin comes to my side and talks to the girl about something I don't bother to watch.

Finally Devin taps me and asks what I said to her.

"What's her name?"

He talks to the girl as I sign.

Great. She used him as a translator.


Japanese decent. Meaning bird.

Devin tells me what she's doing as she tells him. He gets to stay in the room.

Tori injects a small needle into the side of my neck,

and then it begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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