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·The Next Morning·

ALEX'S pov.

I decided to take a shower and get ready,so I can go visit the twins. Since, I had nothing better to do. After getting out of the shower and getting ready. I head down stairs to get a quick snack on the way. I knock on the door being faced with a sleepy Grayson in nothing ,but sweat pants. "Wow. You're one beautiful angel " I whispered to myself. I guess he heard what I said because he chuckle and said " Thanks, A." I blush because I'm kind of embarrassed at the moment. He invited me into their house and yelled "ETHAN! ALEX IS HERE!" I laugh because it reminds me of my family and I. Ethan came down the stairs quickly and engulfed me into a big hug. Grayson asked me if I wanted or needed anything and I asked if I could use their bathroom. He said "yeah" and Ethan showed me to the bathroom and I thanked him as he was leaving.

·2 minutes later·

After doing my business, I left the bathroom. I heard a thump as I was heading to the stairs. "Maybe I should tell the guys?" I thought . As I came down, Ethan and Grayson were sitting on the couch clicking through Netflix to find a cartoon to watch. I told them " I heard a thump as I was about to head down stairs, but i think I might have imagined it." "I think something might have fell in our room, I'll be right back." Grayson said to me and Ethan. Ethan and I started talking waiting for Grayson to come back.

Grayson's pov.

Ethan and I were clicking through Netflix for a cartoon to watch, waiting for Alex to come back. "Hey guys, I heard a thump as I was heading to the stairs, but I think I might have imagined it." Alex said. "Fucking Nolan" I thought to myself. "I think something might have fell in our room, I'll be right back." I said before running up the stairs. Walking up to the room where we keep Nolan. As I unlock the door, I see Nolan sitting on the floor, staring at the door with a small smile on his face. I walk over to him and grab him by his shirt and say, " Make a fucking noise again and I'll beat the shit out of you." and walked out the room locking it before jogging back down the stairs to Ethan and Alex.

ALEX'S pov.

I heard Grayson jogging down the stairs with a smile on his face. I give Ethan a hug and then walk over to Grayson to give him a hug and also a kiss on the cheek. Saying I'll see you both later, but before leaving Grayson, Ethan, and I exchanged numbers. "Bye guys" I say then walk home.

·At home·

I walk up the stairs to go to my room and lay down. My phone went off telling me I have a text.

Grayson changed to graybear.

Graybear 🥰: What was the kiss on the cheek for?

Me: Well, in Louisiana I used to give a small kiss on the cheek to the person I like. *Blushes*

Graybear 🥰: Oh, wait you like me ?

Me: M-Maybe...


Text from Ethan

Ethan changed to Ethie :)

Ethie 😁: What about me? How come I didn't get a kiss on the cheek? *pouts *

Me: Sorry Ethie you can get one tomorrow, okay?

Ethie 😁: Okay, but why did you call me Ethie ?

Me: Because that's the name I have for you in my contacts.

Ethie 😁: What about Gray?

Me: *Blushes* Graybear <3

Ethie 😁: Awww, Alex you like Gray.

Me: Awe, shut it Ethan.

Ethie 😁: Okay, okay goodnight Alex.

Me: Goodnight Ethie.

Graybear 🥰: Goodnight, Alex.

Me: read

I left him on read and went to sleep thinking about the day.

~Okay, please like and comment on this story. Thank you for reading.

~Until next time my wonderful beans :)

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