Mohannad Barakat

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Mohannad Barakat is counted amongst one of the top surgeons with specialization in Trauma, Orthopaedic, and Spine. He graduated in medicine and has completed multiple specialisms. Besides Trauma, Ortheopaedics and Spinal surgery, his areas of specialization include Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, ENT, and Emergency Medicine. He uses the most advanced and safe techniques to treat different types of spinal conditions, including ruptured or herniated discs, kyphosis, scoliosis, and other conditions.

Barakat is skilled in performing every aspect of trauma surgery ranging from the simple ones to complex cases. It includes an array of hip fractures, including intramedullary nail, dynamic hip screw, cemented hemiarthroplasty, total hip replacement, and uncemented hemiarthroplasty. He is also well known for performing effective minimally invasive surgery. He has also successfully done external fixation as well as frame ring fixation for fractures and every type of emergency trauma surgeries. The primary concern of Mohannad Barakat is to provide the best treatment option to his patients with excellent care. He treats his patients with great passion and is dedicated to assisting them get rid of their pain and diseases.

Other types of trauma surgeries that he has performed include

“ Humeral Fractures” which include Intra medullary Nail Fixation, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation With Plating Systems, and Hemiarthroplasty.
“Long Bone Fractures” that include Intra Medullary Nail Fixation and Open Reduction and Internal Fixation With Plating Systems.
Every Type Of Hand Fracture
Wrist/Scaphoid and Elbow fractures 
Tibia/Fibula Fractures, including Pilon Fractures
All Knee Fractures, including Open or/and Arthroscopic
Midfoot/Forefoot Fractures
Ankle Fractures
Calcaneal/ Talus Fractures
Paediatric/Adult spine infections
All paediatric/adult spine injuries/ fractures, including Halo application

Mohannad Barakat is proficient in effectively treating every kind of paediatric fractures, and is well versed with the use of elastic intra medullary nails as well as paediatric elbow fractures.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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Mohannad Barakat Has Expertise In Performing Every Type of Trauma SurgeryWhere stories live. Discover now