53 - Fred

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It was like time had slowed right down.

My eyes never left his as I fell. All around me the sound and sight of the roaring fire seemed to cease. It was just him and the echo of his voice calling my name.

He would be the last thing I see. The last thing I hear.



"Hold on, Rosie!"

Confusion swept over me as my body was violently whipped around and Hermione's voice yelled in my ear. And then I realised - she had caught me on her broom. My arms clutched around her tightly as she flew us away from the hot licking flames. Tears coursed down my cheeks in gratitude.

"Draco! Hermione, we've got to get Draco," I choked out.

"Harry's on it!" Hermione yelled back as her hair billowed across her face. Relief flooded through me. We were saved. Draco was going to be alright.

The door was in sight. Hermione expertly whipped around the flames and piles of junk, as she aimed downwards towards it.

And at last we were out. The broom crashed into the wall of the corridor and I screamed as we clattered to the floor. I barely had time to register which way was up and which way was down when Ron, with Goyle on the back of his broom came hurtling out next.

Draco, I thought panicked, where's Draco? And then, from the corridor where I was still sprawled on the floor, I saw them. Through the door, inside the room, Harry, with Draco hanging on behind him, was speeding towards us, determination upon Harry's face.

As soon as they were out in the corridor, they both rolled off the broom, Ron slamming the door hurriedly behind them, which abruptly vanished.

Without hesitation, Draco instantly scrambled to his feet and literally dived on top of me. I couldn't see anything as he desperately wrapped everything around me, clutching me furiously to his body.

"Rosie," he choked. "Thank god, you're alive."

He kissed my hair over and over, pulling me to him tighter still. I could feel his body wracking as he sobbed heavily. "I thought I'd lost you,"

My heart was going to burst with the feeling of pure, unbridled love. I brought my face up to meet his and, clutching his head in my hands I kissed his tears away. "I'm here, Draco, I'm here."

We held onto each other tight, both scarcely being able to believe that we could touch, see, feel the other.

"C-Crabbe," Goyle choked, between retching and coughing. "C-Crabbe..."

"He's dead," Draco spat harshly.

A number of huge bangs, which shook the castle, brought me back to the situation and why we were there. I looked up from Draco's embrace over to where Harry, Ron, Hermione were all panting and coughing.

"Harry, the diadem?" I wheezed, my throat hoarse from the smoke.

"The fire destroyed it." He choked, "Crabbe conjured Fiendfyre. It's cursed."

"If he hadn't tried to kill us all, I'd be quite sorry he was dead." Muttered Ron, whose hair, like the rest of ours was singed and face blackened.

Draco stiffened. "That bastard," he hissed.

"I cannot thank you enough for saving us," I sobbed, looking from Hermione to Harry to Ron.

"We were never going to leave you-" Hermione started but was broken off as yells and shouts and the unmistakable noises of duelling filled the corridor.

We all turned our heads towards the noise and my heart seemed to fail. Death Eaters. They had finally got in. Fred and Percy had just backed into view, both of them duelling masked and hooded men.

Draco and I scrambled to our feet, as the others ran over to help fight. I went to follow but Draco grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"Rosie, please, don't go and fight. I just thought I had lost you. I can't- I can't go through that again."

Without thinking, I pressed my lips firmly against his, before pulling back and looking him fiercely in the eyes. "Draco, I'm not going to leave your side."

"I lost my wand." he said fearfully. "I cannot protect you."

"Stay behind me," I ordered, drawing my own wand. "We can't stay here, it's too dangerous."

I took his hand in mine and carefully led him along the corridor, making sure to keep my wand ready at the aim. Jets of light flew in every direction and I squeezed Draco's hand, making sure he was safely behind me.

Up ahead, Fred and Percy had just taken down a Death Eater, and were seemingly enjoying a bit of brotherly banter.

The air exploded. I had no time to act. I was aware of a pair of strong arms circling around my waist and forcing me to the ground. Draco shielded my body with his as stone and debris rained down upon us. Everyone was screaming and yelling around us.

And then there was silence. Cold air told me that the side of the castle had been blown away.

"Rosie, are you OK?" Draco asked, as he started pulling away at the wreckage that had half-buried us.

"I - I think so," I said, in complete shock.

Draco pulled me to my feet, looking me over with concern. When he seemed satisfied I was alright, he pulled me in to his chest, squeezing me tightly.

I looked around. The corridor we had been standing in had been blown apart. I saw Hermione struggling to her feet up ahead and I stumbled towards her, Draco holding my hand trying to steady me.

Percy, Ron, George and Harry were crouched down a little further up. I wondered what they were looking at as Hermione, Draco and I approached them. My heart thudded in fear.

Fred was lying on the ground beneath them.

"No- no- no!" I wailed, my feet gathering speed as I staggered over. Not Fred.

I knelt down to where he was laying. Blood covered his body.

"Fred! No, please no!" I cried, grabbing his hand in cold fear. I couldn't breathe.

He turned his head to look at me and grinned.

"Oh Rosie, always such a drama queen!"


Authors note:
Sorry - I couldn't kill Fred.

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