wandering [kogasa, yoshika]

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The Myouren Temple Cemetery. Home to a few youkai, but not Yoshika's, anymore.
The jiang shi was sat on the ground between two large tombstones, not feeling the need to get up. Seiga wasn't here, watching her, but that was okay.
She turned at the voice calling her name, a bit faster than she would have liked, as she felt skin on her back tear.
"Eh? Who's there?"
"It's Kogasa."
Yoshika squinted and could make out the blurry blue-white figure of Kogasa approaching.
"Kogasa Tatara."
Yoshika gurgled in thought, tilting her head. The sound was disgusting, but still sounded as thoughtful as her eyes looked.
"Um, Tatara.. Kogasa, yes!"
Kogasa stepped around a gravestone and crouched to Yoshika's level. She gave Yoshika a little wave, knowing she probably wouldn't be able to see.
It's not like Kogasa wasn't intimidated, though. Even in this harmless state, Kogasa could still see all the kunai and time-outs.
"Yooou.. Are tense," Yoshika suddenly grumbled. "I can feel it."
Kogasa eyed Yoshika with a nervous suspicion.
"Yes, why do you mention it?"
Yoshika looked into what looked like Kogasa's eyes- as there was two small red and blue blurs on the skin-ish color.
"You don't have to be afraid of me. What am I going to do?"
"Well, um, I don't know," Kogasa nervously squeaked.
"Uh-huh. Anyway, um, why are you looking for me?"
Yoshika finished her sentence with a groan.
"Seiga wanted me to help her look for you. She said you wandered off, and knew you'd probably be here."
Kogasa twisted her umbrella uneasily in her hands, knuckles whitening as she gripped it tighter.
Mist settled around the cemetery, dusk setting in.
"But, doesn't your little talisman tell you to stay where Seiga had you?"
"No. You're misreading it," Yoshika stated bluntly. "It says to follow orders!"
Kogasa was silent for a long moment, Yoshika still looking at her with her pale purple-blue eyes.
"You can't read, can you?"
Yoshika looked down and away from Kogasa.
"How does Seiga think this won't cause issues..?"
Kogasa huffed and stood up.
"Anyway, Seiga wants me to bring you to her. Do you need help getting up?"
Yoshika pursed her dry lips and looked down at her stiff legs.
"...Uh, it wouldn't hurt as much."

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