but a fool [seija, shinmyoumaru]

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The amanojaku slid her pointed tongue across her open maw. A bit of burning spittle lolled out of her mouth. The inchling flinched away.

"What's wrong, Princess?" The oni-like beast stretched her hand out. She closed her mouth, simply smiling to appear less monstrous to the small girl. "Don't you agree?"

The girl shook her head. "It's... It's not that I don't. I just... I'm not sure about this. It's dangerous." The girl played with the large mallet in her hands, idly hitting it against the palm of her other hand. "I'm nervous."

"Oh, Princess... There's just no need to feel that way. I've explained to you how your kind has been treated!" The beast took back and waved her clawed hand dismissively. "The weak deserve to overthrow the strong. No one deserves to be treated as poorly as you all have been! You'll finally have a chance to be seen!" She chuckled, exposing her razor sharp teeth once more. The girl shook her head.

   "But... Outside of the castle," she began, looking in thought. She gripped the mallet's handle. "I don't know what's out there. What will I do if something goes wrong? I don't know anyone that could help."

   The beast crossed her arms. "That's what I'm here for, Princess. I don't expect only you to flip society on its head!" She hid her hands behind her back, then revealed one.

   With an extended hand, the amanojaku grinned.
   The princess hesitated, but then the head of the golden mallet fell into the beast's hand.

   "Alright." The girl stated. "We can do this. I want us weak to come through." She smiled. "Thank you so much for your help."

   With fingers crossed the girl couldn't see, the beast nodded. "You're welcome. It's really no big deal."

   With the kick of a foot, she picked the girl up with a large hand, the mallet with the other, and left off to the giant castle door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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