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Dad made me the managing director in one of his companies, so I wasn't really having time anymore. I was in my office one morning when a knock came to my door and without waiting for a reply she opened the door and came in. Dennis.
"Hi Kat... Uhm, may I sit? " she calmly asked. That's strange, Dennis used to be a bubbling bundle of sunshine that doesn't seek an opinion to do things here she is asking me if she could sit. startled, I replied, " yeah sure".
"I need to talk to you about something? "
"I'm all ears,"
"Uhh.. Kat I....I uhh....I've been having an affair. " My eyes opened. Is she really confessing to me? Is she changing now? God, I'm so happy.
She's coking back to her senses.
"And uhm.... I...." She rubbed her face and heaved a big sigh. "I'm pregnant,"
She declared. I'm not sure if she's hurt or happy but scared I'm confused, but... Holding on tight to her purse.
"What?!!!" I shouted,"Dennis!!!!!... This is unbelievable... Who's the father???". I'm a good actor, I know. She rested her head on my table.
"Answer me!!! " I yelled, slamming my table. She jolted and got up. " It's.... J..j.. Jack, " she sputtered. I rubbed my head and paced around. Is she this stupid. Is she mad?. What's this foolishness. "And what do you intend to do with it?. "I intend to keep it. I'm in love with Jack. " That's it. She's mad.
"And if Sloan finds out???". "He newer will," she snarled. "What's that supposed to mean??? "
"I have my plans,"she replied. " I'd be with Jack even if it means taking Sloan out of the picture. " she said, and that triggered my anger as I slapped her hard across the face twice.
She held her reddened face in shock.
"When did you become this heartless, Sloan loves you. He does everything for you, and this is how you repay him? He married you cause I told him how nice and trained you're, he's in love with you, he could give you the world if you wanted and you repay him by screwing his brother and getting pregnant while denying and treating your daughter like she's adopted!!!." I scolded
"Kat, I thought you of all people will understand, knowing how badly Jack has been treated in that family all his life, I love him"
"The fool doesn't love you! He's using you. "
"Jack did mention you'd be like this if you found out about us. He was right. I shouldn't have come to you, " she said and walked out. Oh my God!
I'll lose my mind!!!

I spent every spare time I had at the walkers' house. I noticed Sloan had lost a lot of weight while I was away busy with work and all.
Once I came home from getting Angel from school and saw Sloan, I told him he looked sick and asked if he needed to go to the hospital, and he refused. I got into the kitchen made food for him and noodles for angel made sure they had eaten went to get water from the refrigerator noticed that the brand of water supplied to Sloan's refrigerator and the general refrigerator weren't the same anymore. So I took one to him and an extra for me and left.
I gave the water to Ethan to diagnose and left. Mum and Dad set up a blind date with I and a guy named Mecca, He was from a Noble background, tho. but you know me, it didn't really flow well, and mum knew my mind would take a subsequent long time to change towards another man, so she didn't persist.
I continued replacing Sloan's food and water. Whatever was edible, I spent my break times in his house. I didn't know what I was doing but I was doing what I was doing and I liked it.
This went on for a while. Dennis noticed her husband was now looking more, refreshed and rich looking, didn't care about her problematic self, he only spent time with angel and kat. Every night, he would watch videos he made with Angel and kat before he went to sleep. He was slowly becoming the Sloan that asked for her hand in marriage. She started getting jealous and became clingy to him. Kissing him unnecessarily, hugging him every minute, starting irrelevant conversations to jeep his attention in her whenever kat was around.
Sloan never pushed her away , nor did he embrace any of her approaches he was just neutral. Angel talked about Aunty Kat every minute of the day. Angel was obsessed with her. Sloan started working in his hospital again. He was healthy and well now spends a lot of time at the hospital.
Dennis wanted to have lunch with him, but he declined. That afternoon, she went to the hospital to pay him a surprise visit and found him having lunch with Kat and another guy.
She started raking.
"You'd rather have lunch with her than with me??!!!! "
"No, no, darling, calm down. It's just that Kat's worker is going in for surgery in two 2 hours. We're trying to calm him down." She didn't listen she raked and left. Everyone was looking at Sloan's table. It was so awkward. When Sloan got home, he found his wife crying and her face swollen
Dennis started the rant all over, and Sloan felt guilty. He kept apologizing, and she made him promise not to see Kat again. He agreed.

"You really should stop spending time with him," Mr Duboir advised d
"I should probably go over and talk to him about it in person and also apologize to Dennis she needs to understand.".
"Sure, but make it snappy, official, and brief," sure will try.
I drove over to the walkers. The front door as usual wide open, I walked no ones in the living room, I went over to the kitchen expecting to see nanny penny but I saw Dennis and what's that she's pouring into the drink?. She startled moved behind the kitchen door almost crashing into her glass sets. I went out just as soon as Sloan was coming downstairs.
"Dennis, the drink!" Sloan came out calling before he saw me."Hey kid.... I uhhh... I'm sorry about yesterday. "
"Uhm... It's fine, that's... "
"What are you doing here???!!!" I was interrupted by Dennis' high-pitched angry and frustrated voice.
"Get the hell out of my house. You're trying to take my husband from me, I've always known you wanted him for yourself. You're not ashamed. Get out of my house now!!!" She yelled.
She showed so much concern that I would have believed her if I hadn't seen her put stuff in the drink.
"Dennis, go inside," Sloan instructed, and she barged upstairs.
"Kat, I'd suggest you stay away for now. My wife had just started coming back to me and loving me again, and I don't want to ruin that. "
Is he serious?? I love him, but he needs to understand that's he's in danger, and after everything, it's this easy to dismiss me???. Wow.
I sighed. "The drink she'll offer you would be the death of you." I walked out and drove off. My heart is sealed.
What is his problem, we shouldn't see how could I have kept quiet this long, I'm so disappointed. it's freaking annoying. Well, I hope he doesn't take the drink. Cause I'm never seeing him again..

"Your drink," Dennis teased. Sloan took it and thanked her, kept it by his side while reading his newspaper. make sure you drink that before it fades. He nodded and took the drink and papers to the study room. He took a sample and called one of his medical lab scientists to come take it and run tests. He sat down and thought.
Dennis saw Sloan's worker leaving and approached him with the "I am Sloan's wife" and "I demand to know why you're here." Out of fear, the young doctor told, the both reached an agreement. Sloan was never going to get the accurate result.
Ever since Katelyn van ford came into his life she has brought sunshine back into his heart, she brought him alive and made him understand what it meant to live, he had become fulfilled and satisfiably happy and loved. He decided to ask Dennis some questions.
Dennis left that day for work and came back to the team the next morning, expecting that Sloan would be at work, but he was waiting in the living room. She walked in, saw him, and startled but quickly composed herself.
"Hey honey, you're home?.. I'm sorry I had to work overnigh.t"
"Yea, sure, so I've been meaning to ask you something... About my birthday, " he waved her shock and relaxed more.. "Yeah, when is it? " she asked without thinking.
"It's past." Sloan looked at her with a tint of confusion but comportment.
"I'm sorry I forgot I'll make it up to you," she said, pecking him and going upstairs yawning.
Sloan was disappointed and depressed and soon started losing weight and growing lean and becoming sick.
Dennis was even more sweet and caring to him. She became the sweet devoted wife Sloan had married. Sloan became so sick that he became bedridden. Food was brought up to him, and he only got up to bathe..
The news of Sloan's sickness Spread.

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