Chapter 1: am I dead

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I woke up on the ground and my body was heavy. I almost didn't notice the cuts and bruises on my body. My memory was fussy, the last thing I remember is walking to my next class, p.7 science. There was screaming then a lot of heat. After that, it's all blurry.

I was in the middle of nowhere, the air was hot and dry. It was hard to even sit up my body acted and was heavy. In the distance, I saw something a never thought I would see. my best friend laying there, her chest barely moving, indicating her shallow breathing. I felt warm tears on my cheek. She had been there when I needed her and now she needs me but I can't do anything.

I lift up her limp body hugging her. I wanted her to hug me back but I know she wont.

Im not that strong but I gather all my strength to pick her up and carry her somewhere better. I sat her down and tried everything I could and after about 2 hours she started to come to. She woke up and I will never forget the ear-piercing scream that comes from her mouth when she saw me.

I had realized that I hadn't seen myself since I woke up. I assumed I was bloody and covered in cuts and bruises. I looked in a nearby mirror and saw that I was slightly transparent. I was freaking out I started to panic but the more I panicked the more transparent I got I calmed myself down and I got completely visible. The only thing I could think of was turning around tears in my eye, looking at Lilly and asking am I dead?

Lilly looked at me, her blue eyes sparkling from the tears forming, her messy brown hair all over her face, her lips barely parted trying to choke out words but cant.

I take a step forward and try to talk to her but she just scrambles back into a wall as tears fall from her eyes. She finally chokes out the words your not her, you a monster.

Those words made me stop in my tracks. W..what? I managed to say with a weak voice. GET AWAY FROM ME!! she screamed as she tried to stumble backward but she came to a halt when she felt the wall behind her. I managed to come to her and do something I never thought I would do. I got some rope and tied her hands and feet up as she started to really cry and I mean hard. I told her to stay silent and I will come back and explain everything.

She just nodded oveesly scared out of her mind by me. I walked outside and tried to figure out what I was going to say to Lilly when I went back inside.

I saw a figure in the distance and started to walk toward it. When I got closer I saw Rose, my lovely little midget. Dont ask why I call her a midget she is as tall as me if not taller.

I try to run up to her but am stopped by a katana to me through. Rose its me, baby, please dont kill me, I say trying to get her to lower the weapon. She just responds with a simple prove it. she lets down her sword to let me get close so that I can talk to her.

I whisper our secret word to her and she bursts out into tears. You survived too. I love you so much!! she says as pulling me into a hug that she wont be letting go for a minute.


hey my little monsters this is a story with no set dates to publish but the first 2 chapters will come out close together (hopefully). I hope you like this book and love you all. bye me demons.

~lazari out~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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