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There was someone in the room.

Ellamae didn't know how, but she could just feel someone staring at her. It was like a gentle caress across her whole body and it made the hairs on her skin stand. She couldn't decide if it unnerved her or comforted her.

The presence sighed.

The presence smelled like the forest and rain... it was earthy and musky and it pleased her to no end. She wanted to open her eyes to see who this tantalising scent belonged to but she simply could not. Her eyes felt like they were glued shut and she felt trapped.

Suddenly, she felt a rough hand touch her skin. She decided that, with the calloused hands and masculine scent, the presence was a male.

His hand trailed down from her shoulders to her hands, and then he intertwined their hands together. She could feel how large his hands were. They completely engulfed hers. Then slowly, she felt something descend upon her hands. Something soft... a pair of lips. She wanted to gasp, but she couldn't. It kissed her once, twice and thrice before pulling away. She wanted to whimper at the loss of contact, but she couldn't.

She was completely perplexed by her own reaction to his presence. Why did she yearn for his touch? Why was she so comforted by his scent? But most importantly, why can't she open her eyes? She wanted so badly to see who this presence was.

A knock is suddenly heard at the door. Instantly, the man growled and she felt him place his arm across her body, as though shielding her. The action brought her warmth.

"Who is it?" he rumbled. Though his tone indicated that he was irate, she couldn't help but feel soothed by his deep voice.

"It's Dr Luka, Alpha," the voice at the other side of the door responded.

At the sound of another man's voice, Ellamae panicked inwardly. She didn't know how, but the man beside her made her completely forget her distress whenever she was around any male. She did not feel any anxiety or fear around him, only unexplainable calm.

But this other man, the doctor... she could feel her distress coming back in full force.

It was only then did she notice the constant beeping sound reverberating throughout the room. Only because the once steady beats turned into a panic-induced one, the speed of each beat increasing exponentially.

"What's happening? What did you do?!" her man's voice boomed throughout the room.

"N-nothing, Alpha. I'm not sure what's - Let me check -"

She felt the doctor lay an innocent hand on her bare skin.

But her body reacted like it was burned. If possible, the machine started to beep even faster.

"Don't fucking touch her!"

She couldn't see what was happening, but she heard a loud thump and a cry out.

"Get the fuck out of my sight."

The beeping on the machine has not calmed down and neither has she. She thought she might just pass out again from the panic and was ready to succumb her body to the realm of unconsciousness again.

That was, until she felt him rip the blanket off her and pull her into his lap, cradling her. He held her like she was precious china.

She vaguely registered him whispering soothing words into her ear. She was too consumed by how good his skin felt on her. It was an overwhelming sensation and it was then and there that she decided that she trusted this man. Wholly, fully, completely.

When her last string of consciousness strung out, her body too exhausted to fight off the wave of deep slumber, she took solace in him. His touch that soothed her like a balm on cracked skin, his spellbinding earthy scent that she would now associate with security, and his deep voice that whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

She had no idea if her body reciprocated the action but in her head, she held onto him. Tight.

Because he was her lifeline.

❀ ❀ ❀

WHEW! well it has been a very, very long while. like 2.5 years to be exact. LMAO. but i'm back and i hope to finish this one through :")

my writing's very rusty, but i hope this will suffice for now. thank you for the votes and comments and even the dms to get me to continue this book 😭 sorry it took so long, but we're back baby.



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