Shivaay in Jail

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After Tej died confessing lie to his sons, OmRu are in dilemma in whom to believe. Janhavi being the most affected by the sudden demise of her husband orders OmRu to call the Police and get Shivaay arrested.

Annika on the other hand is shocked of the sudden turns in the house. But she doesn't have a doubt on Shivaay, by a mere look at him she can tell that this isn't the only truth something big mystery is behind this, because whatever can happen but Shivaay can't harm his family.

OmRu are now infurated by seeing their father dead, their mother weeping over the death of her husband, Daadi crying over the unfaithful death of her son through her grandson. They call the Police and tell them in an high pitched tone pointing at Shivaay "This man has killed my father, for the mere hunger of Property and Business.."

They went towards Shivaay, getting hold of him by his collar, they shake him mercilessly "WHY?? WHY?? Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi Why?? Why did you kill my father like that? Didn't I said that I have no interest in Business, it's all yours...then why Bloody Damn It you did this?"
Saying this they threw him on the floor and started kicking him.

Annika came forward for the rescue of her husband.
Kneeling down in front of OmRu asking them to stop.

"Please ...please OmRu leave him..he has not done anything... Don't you believe in your Bhaiyaa..please"
Holding their legs to stop them.

"No..I don't believe this Man ..who killed my father.. Who took the fatherly love away from us.. Who made us Orphan..who made our mother a Widow.."
Om pushed Annika aside, still not giving up Annika tried to stop them.

"Annika!! Don't you dare stop us.. Don't you see what has happened..Or you are too blind in the love for your husband that you can't see our pain..
And if it is like that naa..then with Shivaay you are also dead for us.. You will not be called our family if you support Shivaay any more"

"Rudra!!.. What are you saying? I can see the truth in his eyes.. "

Shivaay who was up till now a mute spectator stopped Annika from saying anything further. He can't let the truth out.. He can't let his BadePapa's image down infront of his son.

"Annika... Stop it! They are right ..I have killed their father..I am guilty.. "
Turning towards the Police
"Inspector you can arrest me.. Before that I just want to talk to my lawyer for once"

"For what Shivaay to get Bail.. No Shivaay not happening.. You are going to rot in Jail.."

"No OmRu.. I.."

"We are not OmRu for a murderer like you.. We have disowned you Shivaay..we will have nothing to do with you anymore.."

"Inspectot take him away... And we will make sure that you don't get a bail"
Rudra said looking at Annika who was pleading Shivaay to stop and tell the truth.

Khanna who saw all this, was quite up till now..he was ordered not to tell the truth..but seeing his Boss being claimed guilty he couldn't stop himself.
Khanna stopped the police, he looked at his Boss.. Pleading him to let him tell the truth.
But after recieving glares from his Boss he back offed. Annika's suspicion grew more..she was now confident that somthing is still there to be knowned.

She ran upto the gate before Inspector could take Shivaay with them.
She took his hand in hers, squeezing it between his hand. She made him to look in her eyes.

"Shivaay please tell the truth.. I know ..I know dammit that you are innocent.. Please think about me.. Please think about yourself once.."
Annika cried hugging him.

Shivaay just pulled out of the hug..

"Annika I have already transfered all my shares and property on yours and OmRu's name.. I have thought about your future.. If you want you can live here with...with..m..mmyy family...or you can leave for swiss.."

"No..No..I am Not going anywhere without you.. You know that..Shivaay you promised to live together...forever.. You are breaking it.. You are breaking me.."

Annika was falling on her kness pleading him to stop this play..
Shivaay make her stand up..he hugged her for the last time before leaving..
Annika just cloaed her eyes tight seeing her love  handcuffed.
Annika look into his eyes..she closed there distance and kissed him. Shivaay's tear dam bursted..he was crying while kissing her for the last time this is what he thought.
Annika vowed to prove Shivaay Innocent.

Shivaay saw the promising eyes..he knew she would try to do something to save him..
Shivaay took a last look at his house at his family who were mourning around Tej.

Annika just ran up to their room and locked herself in. She needs to calm down and think something.

Gauri and Bhavya were going behind Annika but OmRu stopped them.

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