Our Talk

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I just stared at her. Can't talk, eventhough there are so many things that I want to say to her.

"Are we gonna just stay quiet like this?"

I startled.

"Of course not."

"So why don't we talk?"

Okay, I started to get scared, because of her cold demeanor is resurfacing again. It's been too long tho.

"I don't know how to start."

She just sighed. And I'm starting to fidgeting.

"Okay, let's just start. How are you Kwon? You good?"

"I think so?"

"Yes or no?"


"Yes, I think?"

"Can you tell me, how the hell did you end up in here? And to add to that fact, you're a CEO now?"

"It's a long story really."

"Cut it short."

"Uhm, Sic- I mean Jessica, can we just end my story here and let's focus to the show? I mean, now we're still working right?"

"Being an ex, doesn't mean that we're not friends anymore. You still need to tell me how the hell you can be a CEO."

I stay quiet. And something inside me, want to burst.

"You can say that, because it's easy for you. You're the one who broke up."

"Kwon, you know you're being a CEO has nothing to do with our broke up."

"For me, it has. I want to tell you, the night before our broke up. But yeah, you have another plan."


"Stop calling me Kwon. I have a name okay? And you know what, you calling me Kwon, always reminds me that, you have another 'Kwon' that you like, and it's not me. So throw away the idea about being friends, because I can't okay."

"But you were staring at me the whole time at the meeting?"

"Because I'll admit that my heart still want you, but I know I can't. You're taken. So I can't."


"Miss Jung, let's become a good co-worker for this event. I'll appreciate that someday, maybe we can collaborate our company. If there is nothing that you want to talk anymore, I'm afraid I need to go. I still have many things to do in this event."

Then I leave. I just can't bear to be in the same room with her, when my heart still beating so rapidly for her, but my brain always reminds me that she's the one who broke our relationship, the relationship that we built for so many years, and yet she broke it easily.

I'm leaving to continue my observation, not knowing that quietly, Jessica Jung, the girl that I just talked with, say something under her breath.

"I just want to say, that I miss you."


Sorry about the late update. I had a writing block, and can't find a nice words for their conversation. Don't forget to vote and follow me :)

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