four - stay calm

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I awoke with a start, my body jolting awake out of a deep sleep. I was still in the towel that I had wrapped myself in after my shower, causing the spot I was laying on ontop of the puffy hotel covers to be damp. There was a high pitched beeping coming from my cell phone that was on the bedside table which caused me to wake up, followed by voices outside of my room. Now? God, please just let me sleep.

Louis' name was on the screen, and instinctively I crept to the bathroom to put my clothes on, "Louis?"

"Elle, oh my god are you okay?" He asked breathlessly, sounding like he was running a marathon. 

"Yes? What's happening?" I asked in a hushed tone, slipping on my pants and white shirt. 

"I need you to remain calm and do exactly what I say," Louis said sternly, like this was a drill during training. My stomach dropped and I felt my face pale. For some reason, I never expected something real to happen to us. I knew that sounded stupid, but who would mess with the Vice President? Louis continued, "There has been a breach in security. I pulled up the hotel cameras on my phone and both our guys outside are dead." 

I paused for a second, considering his words before frantically trying to get the rest of my clothes on. What was happening? Was anyone else dead? "Are-" I started, but Louis cut me off. 

"I have the VP and family, we're out of the building. We just got in the car and we're changing their flights, they're heading out now." I checked my watch out of habit, 3:48 AM. They were supposed to leave at 6:30. "I need you to just get out of the building. No one else should be in there except for our guys at the penthouse, waiting to be released. We took the VP out the secret exit, they're acting as decoys." 

I nodded as if he could see me, swallowing, "Okay," I put my shoes on, tucking the pistol that was on the floor into the back of my pants. 

"Elle I need you to be careful. Just in case," Louis stated carefully, "I'll call you when I put them on the plane, okay?" 

His words calmed me down, knowing that we would meet once this was all over, "Yes, Tomlinson." 

He hungup the phone, and I knew I had to go. I crept to the door and peered out the peephole, breathing quietly as if someone was in the room with me. I waited, seeing nothing for thirty seconds before quietly opening the door and peering out. Nothing. Then I was on the move. 

I kept my breathing even to keep myself calm, because quite frankly I was practically shitting my pants. I kept reminding myself that James and his family were safe, and they would be out of the state in under 30 minutes. That offered some consolation to me, but I wondered why they left me behind. Did they not think I could handle it? Was it because I was new? Did Louis not have faith in me? 

Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I snaked down the empty hallway towards the stairs and made my way through the door. I kept my feet quiet down the 8 flights, making sure to peer through the windows on the doors to each floor for just a second each time. I finally made it to the bottom and pushed the door, but it didn't budge. I shook my head to regain my composure and tried again, but it was shut. Locked. Shit. 

I took a moment to think, realizing that there was a secret exit on the second floor in one of the hotel rooms that wasn't actually a hotel room. The code was 37831, they used this hotel frequently so we needed to memorize these things and in that moment I was thankful that I had a good memory. I went back up the stairs and to the second floor, discovering that that door was open. I stepped onto the carpet and headed slowly down the corridor, seeing that the last room on the left was the one I was looking for. I was almost there, I just had to type in that code and get out.

And that's when I heard the soft clicking of a door closing behind me. I paused, peering down the hallway to my left to find it empty. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I saw nothing but instead heard a click in front of me. I reached slowly towards my belt where my gun was resting, almost having my hands on it before turning back to my front to see... Nothing. All I felt was a solid metal object striking me in the side of the head before everything went dark. 

Okkkk short chapter but here's where the fun begins. I really thought about dragging it out a few more chapters but I couldn't wait hahaha. I'm going to be editing these as I go for times sake because Im in school and I know this one was short but bear with me. 

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