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Teddy.lupin: don't we look nice

lupin: don't we look nice

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moon.lily: ahhh we looking cute 

rosie.posie: dom ur dress is literally sooo pretty 

al.potter: we look good ig 

James.sirius: umm Lucy that neck is a lil low 

Lucy.lou: stfu James 

Lucy.lou: also we be looking good af 

rowan.cas: damn ya'll fine 

frank.longbutt: so we kinda took a detour 

longbutt: so we kinda took a detour 

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aria.patil: only you lmao

James.sirius: oooh get me somee

rosie.posie: I loveeee ur dress 

moon.lily: so I got this gem @James.sirius @lizsmith

sirius @lizsmith

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al.potter: Louis looks really good in the back tbh 

Louis.weasley: you know it 

scorpius.hyperion: when James has a better relationship than u 

Freddie.lee: damn can't relate 

lizsmith: imagine Freddie having a better relationship than u tho.. oh wait 

scorpius.hyperion: haha very funny 

ok so life update school is tough, I got class historian, and I can't wait until 2020 tbh. 


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