werewolf at my door

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I wake up with a fright.

 There are noises coming from downstairs I take a quiet step out of bed and slowly open my door and walk towards the sounds.

 I try to walk silently down the stairs but the second step squeaks. I feel the sweat running down my body I am scared to found out what is making the noises I quietly run down the stairs and peek around the corridor and crawl army style to the kitchen and peek my head over the table top I see a giant silver wolf, I let out a yelp and fly backwards, hitting my head on the fridge.

 Holding my head and try to scramble away on the floor trying to race back to my room but before I could get up I hear the glass from the sliding door break. I scream and turn and run up the stairs but before I am even half way up a hand grabs my ankle and pulls my down I scream hoping to wake my parents up but nothing comes out.

I get pushed around roughly and see bright blue eyes, slowly coming out of my haze and fully look at the thing that broke into my house and find out it’s a young boy who shouts in my ear “STOP I NEED YOUR HELP” as he is shouting at me all I can think is who is this beautiful person and where the hell did that giant wolf go.

I finally find my voice “Who the hell do you think you are and by the way who are you and why do you need my help?”  And can you believe the guy actually had the descents to look shock “Umm I'm Derek umm I need your help because I’m bleeding because I ran in here and heard you scream?”

“Well that explained something’s but not the part where I saw a giant wolf at my backdoor” I said.

He tilted his head to one side like he was examining me. I felt scared but also safe at the same time which make me feel crazy but before I could dwell on it to long he spoke “ I am sorry to scary you like that but before we discuss the wolf thing can you help me first I could be bleeding to death here?”

I though it over and did in fact notice that he was bleeding on my parents new carpet but how did I know this Derek person was not a serial killer or worsted a rapist but something about him said I could trust him. “Okay but you have to promise me something not to kill me or my family and tell me what I saw okay?” he consented and that said “Okay” like he had a choice I lead him to my parents downstairs bathroom all the while he kept his bright blue eyes on me I was nervous for some reason.

After I disinfected his cuts and bandaged them up I asked him “What was that wolf thing outside my backdoor and how did you get all these cuts on your arm when the glass was all on the floor after that giant wolf thing broke it?”

“Okay now if I tell you, you have to promise not to freak out “Okay now I was freaking out what did he have to do with all this but I was also curious enough to say “Okay” to this crazy thing anyway it couldn’t get worse.

Boy was I wrong he started to tell me about heritage and genetics and how that some of the story tale monsters are real at this point I burst out laughing “Stop it I am telling you the truth ok I have to tell this first and then show you something?” Derek shouts, so I settle down and ask so very real question like “How come my parents can’t hear us now with all this shouting and yelling?” and “Ok sorry but you can’t be serious for me to believe in this rubbish?” he gives me a steered look and says “Because they are under a deep sleep and trust me on this you will believe after I show you this!!!!!!” then out of know where a gold glow covers his body and then his bones start to crack and pop out of places and silver fur cover his body I let a blood curdle scream and try to get away by his blocking the way out so I have to watch this ………… thing turn in a WOLF.

I couldn’t believe my eyes but the next inserted I black out. After a while I come to with a wet nose on my cheek and then it all comes back to me a strange boy name Derek that broke into my house turned into a wolf. I slowly open my eyes and there he is still in his wolf form, I found my voice and ask Derek “How can you do this and why are you showing me this I am nothing surprise?”  What he said surprised me “I can do it because I have it in my blood and the reason is because my pack alpha needs you because you’re like me!”

“No, no I am not I am normal like my parents?”

“But have you notice how fast you heal or ran and why you look nothing like them, or that your hair is so much thicker and grows faster than normal people?” as he was saying this I remember what my grandpa use to say “Not everyone is who they seem but don’t judge them for that and just remember Ana your surprise “.

“But how can that be?”  I was crying as I was saying this but Derek kept on explain “Your mother had to save you from another pack was trying to kill your mother and father, there where friends with these people and offered to take you in after your parents death your uncle took over and is now ready for you to come home?”

All I could think about was what about family, friends, school so I asked and do you know what he said “You will still have them just not living here with these people but with your real family”. So this is where I am go with a complete strange and move in with people who can turn wolf or stay here where everything is normal, so I went upstairs packed my bags and wrote a note say what was happening and that I love them went in their room kissed them goodbye forever, placed the note of their side table and walked out the backdoor and in to my new life.


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