Chapter 8

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"Are we going to talk about what just happened?" Hermione whispered as they scanned the shelves in the library for a book Hermione needed for Ancient Ruins.

"What, Percy's Boggart? Yeah, I want to talk about it too, but what is there to talk about?" Harry whispered back, leaning on one of the shelves.

"Where was it, for one thing! He just said it was somewhere he didn't want to talk about, and did you feel the air? It was horrible! You could barely breathe in it without coughing!" Hermione answered.

"Yeah, where do you reckon you'd even find a place like that?" Ron added.

"I don't know..." Hermione said, chewing her lip, deep in thought. "Well, I have my book. We should go to the common room and get our homework done, don't you think?"

"Hermione, when will you learn that that is not the proper way to spend a free period?" Ron sighed, exasperated.

"And what would you do, play wizards' chess and create theories as to where Percy's Boggart could have come from?" retorted Hermione.

"Well, yeah, that's just about it," Ron said lamely.

Hermione huffed and checked out her book with Madam Pince. They walked to the Common Room and claimed the chairs by the fireplace, Hermione starting on her Astronomy homework while Harry and Ron decided that obviously where Percy had gone was Mars, and it just wasn't publicized.

"You two are impossible," mumbled Hermione, who had apparently been listening to them theorize.

"Well, you have a go. What's your guess?" Harry pushed, making Hermione set down her quill and think for a moment.

"It could be... don't laugh, but it could be the center of the earth. No, think about it," she protested, as they both smirked slightly, "it was all hot and hard to breathe, right? Maybe it wasn't the center of the earth, but a few layers from it, like further than anyone has gone before. Oh come off it," she scoffed, "it's not as ridiculous as Mars, now is it?"

"No, you could be right," Ron assured her. Hermione looked pleased at this and picked her quill back up and continued to scribble across her parchment.


When classes had finished for the day and they were all in the Great Hall eating dinner, Percy's Boggart was the center of all conversation. Percy sat down across from Harry and said "News travels fast around here, doesn't it."

"It certainly does, that's for sure," Harry responded. He wanted so badly to ask more about the Boggart, but knew that Percy wouldn't answer.

"I'm starving," Percy said, reaching for a sandwich in the middle of the table. The sleeve of his hoodie was tugged up and Harry saw the glimpse of a black tattoo on his forearm. The dark mark was his initial thought, but he couldn't believe it. Percy couldn't have been a Death Eater, right? He was in America. He barely knew anything about the war!

Maybe that's just what he wants you to think, a voice in the back of his head said. Maybe he just wants to get close to you and kill you. No. He refused to think that, not just yet. He would consult Ron and Hermione first, then if they couldn't find a perfectly reasonable explanation, then he'd simply ask about it. That's all.

Harry was so deep in thought that he only snapped out of it when Percy was snapping his fingers in front of Harry's glasses. "What? Sorry, I zoned out."

"No worries. I do that too, sometimes. One of the curses of ADHD, you know?" Percy said, waving his hands in a 'no problemo' kind of way.

For the rest of dinner, Harry was having an internal debate with himself. Is Percy evil, or is Harry just paranoid?

When they finished eating and were up in the common room, Harry waited for Percy to go to bed before instantly talking about Percy.

"Guys, I think Percy might have the dark mark," Harry said to Ron and Hermione.

"What? What makes you think that?" Hermione asked sharply.

"Well, when he was reaching for a sandwich or something, his sweater sleeve was pulled upwards a little and I saw a dark blob on his forearm. I'm not sure, it might just be a muggle tattoo, but I just wanted your guys' opinion. Do you think Percy could be a Death Eater?"

"You never know mate, but I really hope he isn't. Or wasn't. Maybe he was blackmailed into it, like they were going to kill one of his family members if he didn't join. I mean, he did say that when he thought about his family being dead that he felt guilty," Ron said. "Hermione?"

Hermione bit her lip. "I really don't want to think it, but there is a possibility, Harry. If you're sure you saw something," she said, pausing.

"I am. I don't know if it's a dark mark, but it was a tattoo."

"Then we could just ask him? He seems alright, not the kind to murder anyone," Hermione continued. They all agreed to ask him tomorrow during lunch time, and went to bed.


It was lunch, and the Golden Trio were standing outside Percy's classroom. They had decided to ask him in his room, not in the Great Hall, because that would be very problematic. They walked in, and Percy was putting the desks back where they were supposed to be. It looked like they had been doing... something athletic.

"Percy, we need to talk to you," Hermione started.

"Alrighty, what is it," Percy asked, straightening the last desk and walking up to his desk.

"We have a question for you and please just answer honestly?" Ron continued. Percy frowned a little, but nodded.

"Well, er, are you... were you... could you just, roll up your sleeves?" Harry asked, and Percy looked confused but did so. Sure enough, on one arm there was a tattoo, but thankfully not the dark mark. Instead, it was a trident with the letters SPQR and a line underneath it. There was a collective sigh of relief from the three of them, and Percy looked at each of them, utterly confused.

"We though you might've been a Death Eater," Ron said, honestly. Percy narrowed his eyes, as if trying to remember something. His eyes widened.

"One of Voldemort's followers? What gave you that idea?"

"Your tattoo," Harry responded, "I saw it yesterday at dinner, but only briefly. I thought it might've been the dark mark, which is how Voldemort marks his followers. We didn't like it, but we just had to make sure."

"No, I understand. You had to be sure, and I get that," Percy assured them, waving his hands around, "I totally get it."

"While we're asking questions..." Hermione started, but paused, thinking. She seemed to decide on what she was going to ask, and glanced at Ron and Harry. Harry didn't know why she was doing that. He had no clue what she was about to ask.

"I wanted to learn more about your camp, Camp Hecate, so I looked in the school library. There wasn't anything about it there, and I was wondering... why?" She asked, hesitant. Percy took a deep breath in, and Harry could see his brain gears whirring.

"Like I told you guys. Our camp was basically shunned from the rest of the magical community. I'm not surprised that there's nothing there on us," Percy said, and Harry knew he was lying. He couldn't tell how he could this time, but there was something off about this whole thing. Hopefully, he'd be able to find it out.

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