Chapter 36

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  • Dedicated to Roxy Mc' Kartney

Chapter 36

In life, we are all faced with many challenges- problems. They are put in front of us, when we least expect them or want them, to test us. They're testing us on our strength, our sense, our sanity, our stability, and the power of our hearts. They make us realize things we never thought possible. They make us see all the good things, and appreciate them more than we do. They make us realize who is really faithful. They make us realize what we've been doing wrong, and make us want to change the wrongs to rights. They make us realize what is really worth fighting for. They make us better people.

These challenges are often taken for granted. They are often discussed among our fellow peers with disgust and disapproval. They often seem too large and perplexed for us to handle. They are known to break us, make us, or save us. But sometimes, they are too strong. They overcome the battle, and we lose.

Some people are strong enough to win the battle. Those people go through hell with a smile, passing all of the ones that get stuck and can't make it out without a second glance. They win, yes. But they do not win in the way the challenges are built to allow them and they often find themselves back at the starting line, wondering what they did wrong, wondering why these challenges keep re-appearing, and are forced to fix the mess they made.

If they fail, they return at the starting point. And the cycle continues, until they understand the true beauty of the challenges.

They realize that the world doesn't only consist of them. They realize that beauty is only skin deep. They realize that going through all the pressure and work of making something, feels more magnificent than having everything handed to you on a silver platter. They realize that when you love someone it's because you need them, not 'I need you because I love you'. They realize with all bad, comes good. They realize that everything in moderation is better than obsession. The true meaning of life is shown to them, and suddenly, all their questions are answered.

These challenges are what makes us, us. They either break us or save us. When the end of your time on earth comes, is when you know what the aftermath of your challenge was.

Roxy could feel the cold, harsh force of the bullet make contact with the skin of her shoulder after the gun slipped slightly and the trigger was pulled. She felt the burning sensation of it enter her body. She felt her body go into shock. She felt herself slip from the man's grasp. She felt her head hit the granite counter. And she suddenly felt the cold tile beneath her.

The pain would be explanatory to some people. The pain would be too much for others. But for Roxy Mc' Kartney, the pain of the emotions that hit her boyfriend's features drowned out everything else around her.

A wet drip of water slipped down her cheek that she didn't even realize had formed and multiplied in the short space of time that the man fled, that Harry was next to her, that his phone was out of his pocket, and that most of the wetness on her face had come from the tears of the man beside her, trying to save her.

She couldn't hear anything that escaped his mouth and into the receiver of the cellular phone. She couldn't feel the kicks and movement of the life inside of her. She could only focus on the electric green eyes that had been there from the beginning.

His phone was out of his hand in seconds and replaced with one of her clammy ones. He looked so panicked.

She could feel the struggle of her heart trying to keep blood pumping through her veins, even though most of it was just exiting her severe wound. She could feel the struggle of her eyelids, trying to stay up. She could feel the struggle of her lungs, trying to keep air inside of them. All for the sake of her boyfriend.

All she ever wanted was right there, and she'd never noticed.

But she knew it was too late now. Her time was here. She wasn't strong enough to hold any longer.

So she did what she knew best. She forgave and said good-bye.

She forgave her parents for abandoning her.

She forgave the director of Mean Girls for not giving her a second chance.

She forgave Sam for sleeping with her boyfriend.

She forgave her adoptive-parents for giving up on her.

She forgave the fans that had ever said a mean thing to her.

She forgave Harry for all the mistakes he'd made.

And she forgave herself, for being too late.

She passed her tongue lightly along her parched lips and parted them slightly. "Tell the girls that I-I love them and I'll be watching o-over them from wherever I go..." she began. Another useless swipe of the tongue.

"No. Roxy, no. Stop." He looked scared.

"Tell the lads t-to stay true to them.. themselves, and n-never give up on their d-dreams."

"Roxy, please. Don't stop fighting. You can get through this." He looked desperate.

"And Harry."

"Don't you dare." He looked terrified.

"I hope you can find someone that will love you for you, n-not for Harry Styles, the famous guy in the b-boy band."

"I already found her. Roxy, that's you. Stop it! We're going to get through this, damn it!" He looked mad.

She couldn't hold on any longer. Her lungs were failing her and her heart was growing tired. Her face was turning a sickly pale colour and her eyes were slowly slipping shut. "I-I love you, Ha-az. Good-bye."

His face was shocked.

"Roxy?" he whispered, shaking her slightly.

"Roxy." His voice raised slightly when she remained unresponsive.

"Roxy!" he was now shouting, moving her body roughly from side to side.

"Don't you dare leave me, Roxy! Don't you dare!" he pressed a shaking finger to her wrist where he'd grown fond of a pulse running.


He pressed his ear to her chest.


He touched his lips to hers.


Roxy Mc' Kartney was like another part of me. She is and will always be an extention of who I am. I connected with her through a lot of things and I'm deeply saddened to know that all of those late nights of writing from her point of view are finished. 

My job as a writer is to make you feel the emotions of what's happening to the character, to make you feel as though you are the character. If you are feeling sad, upset, angry, remorseful, anything under that category- I've done my job.

Please remember, that there are two more chapters- the last chapter and the epilogue. The story is not yet finished and we have yet to discover its aftermath. This is not the end. 

Please comment what your thoughts are, I worked extremely hard on this chapter and would really like to know what you're feeling in this moment. 

The One Shots are still going on. Please don't let this affect your One Shot. 

Much love to all,

Elizabeth. x

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