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a/n: unbetaed, so please excuse any mistakes.


They all pick Sehun when the MC asks the question.

"if snacks in the fridge were gone, who is the first person you'll think of as the culprit?"

The members all simultaneously agree it's the maknae.

Sehun nonchalantly agrees rather unapologetically as he picks himself as well. Junmyeon laughs, saying how Sehun claimed everything in the dorm as his. A teasing smirk tugs at the corners of the maknae's lips as he looks to a certain hyung.

"Yeah. Everything, mine." He quirks a brow as he says the last word, as if to emphasize his point.

Baekhyun eyes slightly widen, taken aback and confused at the younger's sudden suggestive look. For a moment the his smile falters, breath hitching at the back of his throat.

He subtly glances around to see if anyone else noticed it. No one seems to be phased by the maknae's actions, so he quickly composes himself before anyone can notice his change in behavior and awkwardly laughs it off along with the rest of the members.

The car ride back to the hotel is somewhat quiet.

It's late at night and most of the members are already drifting off to sleep. Baekhyun's sitting in the back seat, sandwiched between the maknae and Chanyeol; there's a vague tension in the air, Baekhyun could feel it.

He was still confused as to why Sehun gave him that look while he was talking earlier. The soft brushing on the side of his clothed thigh by a hand that didn't belong to him is what breaks him out of thoughts.

He slightly flinches and looks down at his leg and at Sehun's hand ever-so-slightly resting atop his thigh.

Baekhyun swallows hard and wills himself not to look at the other; he can feel his heartbeat pick up and there's an uncomfortably warm feeling where Sehun's touching him.

He betrays his own will and quickly glances up at the younger who's looking outside the window with a bored expression his face. Baekhyun's mouth feels dry as he swallows again.

Since when did Sehun have this effect on him?

"I'm so tired," Chanyeol yawns, stretching out his long arms as he practically drags his tall body through the elevator doors and into the dimly lit hallway.

A yawn escapes Baekhyun's mouth as well as he nods, following after the taller to their shared hotel room when a warm hand latches onto his arm.

The contact immediately makes him feel hot inside, he knows exactly who that hand belongs to.

"Sleep with me tonight, hyung," Sehun says lowly, not wanting to wake anyone in the quiet building.

There's a certain tone in his voice, Baekhyun doesn't quite know what it is, but it runs down his spine like a hand ghosting down his back and his body reacts in a way he doesn't even know how to explain.

Dark eyes pierce through him as he wracks his brain for a reply, he feels so incredibly vulnerable under the younger's stare.

"A-Aren't you rooming with Junmyeon-hyung?" He mentally slaps himself at his nervous tone.

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