Chapter 5: Four Small Mages

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*Harith's POV*

"TSK! I need to hurry!" I mumbled to myself.

I was running as fast as I could. When I made it to the village, I was so shocked.

The village is being attacked with some unknown creatures. Probably from the Abyss.

I quickly dashes to the village and throws my magic projectile balls to the enemies.

"Agh!" I got hurt when a creature slashed my back using their long fingernails or something.

I quickly uses second skill to dash away, throw another magic ball. I used first skill for additional damage.

I look back, and there's 3 more enemies. Oh gosh..

Without any doubt, I quickly used my ultimate so I can dash around the enemies continuously, while attacking all of them with magic balls every dash, and also using my first skill.

Argh.. I have half mana left..

I can't do this by myself..

*Harley's POV*

We finally reached the Moniyan Castle. We reached the main gate but it is closed.

"There's a Note on the gate." Nana said.

I grabbed the note and read it. "Do not enter. Castle is closed due to an important meeting."

"Now how are we supposed to get in?" Nana said.

"Phfft.. Easy." I used second skill, teleporting to get past the main gate.

"That's a good idea! But I can't do that." Nana said.

"Just wait there outside. I'm gonna go talk to Alucard." I said.

"Alright! Goodluck!" Nana responded.

I went to the room in the castle where I can hear some people talking. I knocked on the door.

Tigreal opened the door. "What are you doing here? And what is the meaning of this interruption?"

"I need to talk to Alucard." I said.

"Not now, Harley, we are on a meeting." Tigreal madly said.

"Please! Sir Tigreal! It's just gonna be quick and it's important as well!" I said, begging.

"Fine.." Tigreal said. "Alucard, Someone needs you."

Alucard shows up. "Oh hey, Harley. What do you need?" He asked.

"Can you please tell me the way on how to get to the Leonin Village? I really need it!"

"Leonin Village? Why?" Alucard asked.

"No time to explain! Just please tell me!" I begged more.

"Alright, calm down. Here." Alucard said as he gave me a map. "This will show you the way."

I gasped, looking at the map. "Thank you so much! This is a big help!" I said happily.

"No problem."

"I gotta go now before Tigreal gets mad! See ya!" I rushed outside the castle.

Nana saw me and immediately asks, "What happened?"

I showed her the map. "This is the direction."

"Nice! Way to go, Harley!" She cheered.

We quickly runs our way, following what the map says.

*???'s POV*

I was just eating some milkshake I got from the store. It's so good!

After a few minutes, I saw Harley and Nana running away from the village.

"Where are they going? And why in such a hurry?" I asked to myself.

I do not want for them to be harmed outside so I secretly followed them.

*Harith's POV*

I was still in the middle of the fight. I can't keep this up any longer. I got scratched on most of my body parts, and my Mana is almost drained out.

One creature slams me with his hammer, I didn't get to dodge. "Owww!"

I fall down the ground forcefully. "Argh... I need to retreat..."

The monsters are slowly walking towards me. I need to do something before they attack! But I can't get up.

What am I gonna do...

One of the monsters are now near me, and was about to scratch me...

But suddenly, Harley protects me, and Harley got the scratch.

"Don't worry! We're here!" Harley said as he uses his first skill to kill 4 enemies at once.

"H-Harley?... Why did you save me? I t-thought we are r-rivals?... Argh..." I said.

"Look." Harley said. "Just because we are rivals, It doesn't mean that I don't care about you." He said.

My heart melts a bit. I didn't know those words will come from him. I really thought he hated me.

Nana attacks as well. She throws her boomerang at the enemies and also makes the other monsters transform into a cat-like penguin.

"We got your back, Harith." Nana said.

"T-Thank you." I said, as I slowly get to stand up.

Harley uses Ultimate on some monsters and attacks with first skill. He saw me. "Woah! Are you sure you can stand up properly now?"

"yeah. D-don't worry." I reassured him.

I helped by using first skill to the enemies and also throwing some magic balls.

Nana uses Ultimate to stun a lot of enemies, I quickly dashes and throws my passive a lot to the enemies to kill them.

Suddenly, A bigger monster attacked us.

"Oh no! Dodge, guys!" Harley said, but it was too late.

Three of us get stunned, now the enmies can attack us since we are completely vulnerable.

"Don't every hurt them, meanies!" Someone said.

A girl sitting on a moon, spawns a lot of shooting stars at enemies, killing a lot of them.

We finally got out of the stun.

"Chang'e!" Nana said, as she hugged the girl on the moon. So her name is Chang'e?

"Hehe! Best Friend!" Chang'e hugged back. "I know you were gonna be in danger, so I followed!"

"Chang'e, Thank you!" Harley said.

"Yes.. I thank you too." I said to the moon girl.

"Hm? Are you the new hero?" Chang'e asked.

"Yeah. My name's Harith. Nice to meet you." I said.

"It's great to meet you as well." Chang'e answered.

"Harith! You should go to Estes. He will heal you." Harley suggested.

"Yeah, I'll go."

All of us uses recall, so we can get back at the village.

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